Title: Pirates of the Arisu
Genre: Alternate Universe, BL&Yaoi, Action&Adventure, Comedy/Crack, Slight Drama&Angst
Pairings: ShouxHiroto, mentioned AoixKai, ChiyuxYuji, KanonxTakeru, etc.
Summary: Kohara Kazumasa had a dream to sail the seas and explore every bit of land he could. He shared that dream with Ogata Hiroto and made a promise to come
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Comments 10
I hope he will overcome that sickness in some way.
and who is that person in the end?
gahh, I'm so curious!
and who are 'them'? ;]
can't wait for more!
I need next chappy, very badly...
well, I wish you luck on your first day at a new place. it always only seems worse than it actually is. I'm sure you will make new friends - it's just a matter of time :]
and don't give up this please! the updates may be not as frequent(DID I JUST SAY THAT o.o) but don't discontinue, please? *pleading look* ;)
anyway, good luck and good job! *tight hug* (sorry for almost breaking your ribs XD)
I'm starting to feel bad for it, too. DX
And, we'll find out, next chapter, eventually.
Time will tell. :3
Haha, well, I've a decent two days. Hopefully, by the end of four years, I'll have a best friend here. XD
And I shall never give up this story! :D
Poor Hiroto T_T I hope he's fine~
WOOHOO CHIYUJI! >D I loved that scene. Mwehehe!
And good luck at school ^.^
After everything's he's been through, how can he not be fine? :P
Yeeehh, Chiyuji was a first for me, so I was glad it turned out pretty well. :3
And thanks. xD
poor ponpon *pets him*
thanks for the update good luck with your new school
my advicce be like a pirate and explore!!!
*will wait for your update*
Good luck with school! =) Please update soon... XD
And I'm about to update actually. ;)
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