Why Won't You Let Jesus Come In

Jun 27, 2016 13:26

Why Won't You Let Him Come In

1The Savior is standing outside the door.

And gently speaks to your heart;
He has been there so often, refuse Him no more,
Oh, why won’t you let Him come in?

2Up Calvary’s hill He went long ago,
The nail pierced hands, ‘twas for me;
To purchase my pardon He suffered such woe,
So I could forever be free.

3True riches and blessing He will provide,
There’s mercy and pardon from sin;
A shelter from storm and whatever be tide,
Oh, why don’t you let Him come in?

4He’s pleading so gently, no longer delay,
Why won’t you let His word in?
Believe in His promise, the Savior obey,
Oh, why don’t you let Him come in?

Time and again He has knocked there before,
And now He is waiting again;
He knocks so gently and stands at the door,
Oh, why don’t you let Him come in?

A song that never fails to make me cry.  Whenever this is sung, most of the time I can't help myself but stop and shed tears especially during the chorus.  I would always imagine Jesus knocking at our hearts, patiently waiting for us to open it for Him to enter. (seriously a tear shed while writing this).  God never forces us to let Him enter even He is powerful (most powerful).  He knocks GENTLY and WAITS.  He pleads for us to accept Him and worship Him wholeheartedly.  Our God, our Creator, He made us but asks us nicely to do what He wants.  Imagine even how many times we push Him away, for all those times we forget Him, but He is still there, somelike begging us to return to Him.

I urge everyone to open our heart to Him.  There is no one in the world who would love us as He could and will.

Hymn # 575 from "Songs of the Church" composed by Alton Hardy Howard (A.H.H) with arrangement by Ben Cumnock
A.H.H is  brother in Christ and had written many Christian Hymns that are sung at Churches of Christ WorldWide.

religion, lyrics

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