Apr 05, 2006 11:25

The last couple of weeks I have been picking up the faint smell of cigarettes. We have been here since mid October and I have never smelled anything. This morning I woke up and the hallway that leads to our apt smells of stale beer and alcohol. The cigarette smell seems to be getting worse. I noticed lots of butts on the ground outside one of the downstairs neighbors apts. I just looked at our lease and there is nothing in it about non-smoking. What can I do? It brings me to this strange place of feeling like the choices of this other person are impacting me in a negative way. Yet, how much say do I have about what they do in the privacy of their own space? I am not sure it is having a health impact but it is unpleasant. I would imagine most health issues are resolved by the filter I call the floor and ceiling. ARGH! In this moment I am missing my single family home environment. In the summer will they smoke on their patio that will float up to my deck so I can not be outside? Plus it feels like she has asked me to be quiet starting at 7:30pm every night. I try to accomodate this request, not that we are very rowdy anyway, except when we have kid visitors. She has asked me to alter what I do so she can go to bed. Do I ask her to stop poisoning her lungs because it is stinky up my apt?

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