What is wrong with my cat?

Apr 04, 2006 19:19

Three things:
1) her purring mechanism seems to have a stutter or hiccough in it lately. She almost looks like she is going to throw up only when purring.
2) she is so needy!
3) she seems to be unhappy with her food.
The reason I ask you is because it is very unlikely I can get her to purr at the vets office. Most of you have met this cat, Peanut. Since our move to this new place she has been SOOOOOOOOOOOO NEEDY. I literally can not sit without her instantly in my lap. She follows me around the house begging me to sit. Sleeps every night between Rick and I and sometimes under us. This has never been the case before. It is as if she is constantly saying, "Idle hands are unacceptable!"
With the food part she has taken a new and lively interest in all people food. Taking it from us trying to eat it out of our mouths and off of our lips. I thought the food might be because I switched her to senior formula and oral care science diet. I switched her back to her regular food and she seems unhappy still. Her face has changed lately to much thinner. I guess maybe we have to go to the vet.:(
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