Grey's Anatomy
I can't beleive Izzy compromised Denny's life like that and her carrer and her friends carrers. I understand that it was desperation and love but then why the hesitation when he asked her to marry him. I'm sorry but after all she did to him and for him and compromising his life and her carrer and the reputation of her superiors and the hospital you'd think she'd say yes, yes, yes but she's like, um lets just date. It bothered me. Of course when she did say yes later after he got his heart and they were both so happy I knew he was gonna die and it was going to be heartwrenching. I know some people didn't like Denny and wanted him to die a long time ago but I thought he was a cool character and it was sad seeing him go and Izzy breakdown.
I love Bailey
I have trouble understanding Christina and why she keeps running from Burke. In the O.R. when she was needed to focus him and secure him and she just froze I was so annoyed. I could have tried to help him and he's not even my boyfriend. I just don't get it but that's ok.
The prom was kind of cheesy but cute too.
I'm not that crazy about Meredith and her relationship storylines. McDreamy or whatever is not a great guy. Ok, so he's infatuated with Meredith but he's trying to stay with his wife. He calls Meredith a whore and "chooses" his wife when Mer asks him to "choose her, pick her". When he was looking at her in the dance and they both left and when in the room I thought they might briefly kiss and one of them would pull away and say we can't do this but that was not the case. They went for it. Oh and then he asks her "What does this mean?". Dude, it means you just cheated on your wife again and that Meredith is weak and you both need to grow up.
So then she has a big choice at the end. What is she going to do? Waltz off with Derek and leave other guy there? Where would they go, Derek's trailer and have a threeway with McWife or go back to her place and leave Addison to wonder where the hell her husband is? Lol, Sorry, I got a little carried away. Their love triangle has become a little tiresome.
There were tears streaming down my face when the group goes into the room and there is Izzy laying next to dead Denny. Alex was awesome with his words and holding her.
I guess that's all I have to say about GA.
So Michael murdered two innocent people purely to get his kid back. I can understand him wanting get Walt back and wanting to do whatever it takes but come on, he could have done it another way and I don't feel any sympathy for him.
Why are Kate, Jack, Hurley, and Sawyer now the ones the Others want?
Who is this Miss Clue/Klugh lady?
Why does Charlie think injecting an infant with an unknown "substance" is a good idea? Just because the vile says it's a vaccine doesn't mean it is.
Loved the Jack and Sawyer moment
I love Sayid and him being able to call out Michael. I'm sure he will come up with a plan to follow Michael and his offerings.
So was Henry lying because he said "They'll never give you Walt"? Or is Miss Clue/Klugh(or some higher up person pulling their stings) lying by telling Michael they will give him Walt when he brings them the people on the list?
Too many questions. I'm so excited about the two hour finale though.
Oh and I loved the "caught in a net" analogy or metaphor or whatever it's called.
Ok. I missed a few episodes this season of Grey's Anatomy and I went on a torrent site and found the episode I wanted to watch and I downloaded it and watched it last night. It only took 2 1/2 hours, Yay. So I wanted to watch the next episode so I found the next episode number and started the download late last night. When I went to watch it when I got home from work it was not the next episode but the one after that. So I have episode 19 and 20 but there is an episode in between. What the heck should I do? Try and find a different 19 or different 20? I'm so confused.
Ok, that was long and rambly. Sorry for any errors or any incoherency. :)