Jun 06, 2010 22:11
Now that I've been trying to treat and protect my dry, calloused feet, I've remembered the situation when I first started wearing my flip-flops every day, about a year and a half ago: namely, that my tennis shoes suck. They've worn out in painful ways, resulting in some very bloody socks coming off my right foot the last couple days. Ouch. So maybe I'll wear flip-flops until I can make it out to buy a new pair of tennies, maybe Tuesday.
Shannon and I have finished up Love Medicine, and have begun the second of Gene Wolfe's soldier books, Soldier of Arete. I'm finding it to be a challenge in relaxation, as pretty much every sentence is full of allusions which a reader could certainly recognize and understand if willing to devote enough thought (and perhaps research), but I'm trying not to worry about that. It's okay if I don't get everything. I had a bit of trouble with this in the Severian books, though in that case the difficulty was archaic vocabulary. It was so omnipresent that I simply couldn't look up all these words, and so I spent some of the book unable to picture what was happening, which was frustrating. I'm trying not to hold so tightly to my need for control this time.
In other news, I have reverted to my original opinion of yogurt. The tasty raspberry yogurt I had the other day must have been some freakish mutant, because I've tried two other flavors of the same brand since then (coffee and chocolate) and had to spoon them down the garbage disposal after one taste. Cobweb, however, really really really wanted to taste them, but I was afraid they might make her sick. I feel guilty spooning food into the garbage disposal when Cobweb wants it so badly, but sometimes indulging your babies isn't the way to be a good mom. Now I understand how parents might end up spoiling their children.