Interview with about my Sansan fanfiction

May 08, 2014 17:45

I've posted this everywhere save my own livejournal. So here it is for posterity.

The geek magazine interviewed me about my Sansan fanfiction. If you wanted to know about the process of creating my illustrated novella check it out. I will be giving away a free hardback copy to a random commenter at (please leave a way for me to reach you ex. tumblr/LJ name, email). I'm also gifting copies to reviewers who provide thoughtful commentary on any one of these fanspaces: SXS, S_S, A03, ffnet.

Fan Masterworks: Game of Thrones' Illustrated Fan Novella

Fan Masterworks: Game of Thrones Illustrated Fan Novella Will Change What You Think of Fan Artists

Enjoy our interview with incredibly talented fan writer Kimberlite8 as she shares her epic process of producing a fully illustrated and downloadable novella-length fic which explores the complex relationship between A Song of Ice and Fire/ Game of Thrones’ fan-favorite couple, Sansa and the Hound.

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