Title: Running with the Hound and Hunting with the Hare
Pairing: Sansa Stark/Sandor Clegane
Rating: Explicit (this is a smutfic)
Length: 40,000 wordsSummary: Sansa Stark has a coming-of-age dream about an encounter between her adult self and Sandor Clegane. A series of vignettes about the sexual and moral fruition of Sansa Stark and a character study about the duality of Sandor Clegane.
This is an illustrated novella and is meant to be read in the manner of a real book with two pages side by side. As such, I've had to publish it as an emagazine/pdf flipbook rather than on traditional fanfiction platforms. In order to optimize your reading experience, please follow these guidelines for your device:
**PDF files require your system has the free software,
Adobe Reader Warnings: Underage. Sexually threatening language/situations. Dubious Consent.
Other potential squicks here. Notes: I finished the first draft of this story on August 2012 and immediately decided to "reboot" it by rewriting the text and reconceptualizing the story as an illustrated novella. More than a year later - here is the end result. I hope no one begrudges my immodesty when I say I am immensely proud of it and I hope it enriches the Sansan fandom.
Gratitude in particular to my dearest friends and collaborators:
redgoddemandsit who tirelessly beta-ed the work
catofthecannals who worked on the majority of the illustrations.