We have a Title!

Apr 07, 2010 13:06

It's been a week since I turned in my new manuscript to my editor and I have no fingernails left. Truly, she is brutal for making me wait! Kidding! It *is* hard though. My critique group loved it, my son loved, it, but the people who count the most: Gorgeous Editor and Super Agent have yet to read it . . . I will suffer in silence.

Meanwhile, my editor and publicist and the Marketing Brains at Scholastic LOVE the finished book trailer! I'm so excited to show it off - but you will all have to wait until about June before I can share. But there will be fabulous giveaway packs when the book trailer is released TO THE WORLD! Meanwhile, eat a donut - it helps the suffering.

Meanwhile!!! I did hear from Gorgeous Editor about the TITLE for my July, 2011 book. She really wanted to get something into the computer to hold my book's spot in the Summer line-up for next year.

For the past year the proposal and WIP has been called THE TRAITEUR'S DAUGHTER. It's a companion book to THE HEALING SPELL. But only one character is the same.

We decided months ago that the word "traiteur" would be off-putting to young readers. And maybe some old ones, too.

I have had the worst time coming up with something I like. I turned it in with the title DAUGHTERS OF THE CIRCLE, but that sounds like women's fiction. I sent the following list with the manuscript. My favorite was the top one, but got nixed. Too "magicky" for Scholastic Book Fairs, I'm afraid.

Gorgeous Editor liked A CIRCLE OF SECRETS - but without the "A". She also liked GHOSTS OF THE CIRCLE. And yes, there are ghosts!!! And a graveyard. And beauty spells. but we decided that the word "ghosts" sounds too young for a tweener book.

So the final title - at least for the moment! - is CIRCLE OF SECRETS!

Whaddayathink? And whaddaythink about my list of *potentials*?

Secrets, Spells, and Charms

The Secret Circle

Swamp Spells

Swamp Magick

The Magick Circle

Ghosts of The Circle

A Circle of Secrets

A Circle of Magick

Secrets of The Circle

The Beauty Spell

The Killing Spell

Mystery on the Bayou

Bayou Beauties
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