Oct 06, 2006 15:01

I've been listening to Mix 101.5 live cast all day, partially to hear the music and partially to keep up with the Apex situation. Since I generally live by the few CDs I've loaded into WMP or what's loaded onto my MP3 player, the wider range of music choices has been nice. Variety is a good thing and I've been in a bit of a rut recently. I'd loaded so much stuff on here before my hard drive crashed and I haven't had the energy to do it again.

We're actually in a period of not-so-much-rain right now, which is a nice break. I think that means I better be running for the car soon. :) I did bring an umbrella, but I really hate having to use one just to get from the building to my car. I don't know if I'm making any stops on the way home, but if I'm not, and it's not pouring, I don't mind getting rained on. I won't melt.

My lunch plans for the day had to be rescheduled, which was a bit of a bummer, but I still had a nice time sitting at one of the tables in our area and hanging out with some of my co-workers while I ate my cafeteria take-out.

Other than an early morning airport drive-by tomorrow, I think the rain will give me a good excuse to hang out at home and do little. Maybe it'll inspire me to sleep, as I think I've been sleep deprived for about 98% of this year, so far. Not a good trend. I need to do better. Unfortunately management frowns on catching up on sleep during the work day, or I'd be set! *grin*

Anyway, time to close up shop and make a run for it while it's clear. Everyone have a great weekend!

music, weather, work

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