Whats up

Feb 02, 2005 18:32

Christmas break was well okay. My family drove me insane and I was ready to leave one week in to my month long break but I survived and I am still okay. My car is so broke my dad thinks it is the water pump but there is no heat and yeah I go to school in the UP!!!! O well. I really have not done much since I have been bach well, up until this week when I have managed to hurt myself and well I might as well go into detail.
Today is the first day in about a week that I am able to use my left arm (which makes typing way easier) because I jammed my shoulder, twice. The first time was during a firedrill in my hall I was outside and some of the guys in my hall were snow-skating, basically skateboards with like a ski on the bottom. Anyway I figured it was not as hard as it looked, mind you I can't skateboard, snowboard, or really do anything with balance! So needless to say I fell and smashed my shoulder, it was a little sore but not bad. Then two days later I played ice hockey like I do every week, it is a blast and I always look forward to it even though I am really not that good. When I play hockey I get violent, picture this a blond x-cheerleader that weights about 110lbs on the ice against a bunch of guys and one other girl who used to play hockey on a team. Not good, no matter how hard I hit someone nothing happens. Everyone decided (on there own mind) to hit me back, but it happened at the same time and boom ice. So I ended up with my arm in a sling for 6 days.
Of course having my arem in a sling did not stop me from having my normal fun. Two nights ago me Jeremy from down the hall and 2 other guys (Pat and Jeremiah) jumped in Lake Superior, after all it was a warm day about 37 degrees, just above freezing. It was so cold yet the rush was amazing I would and most likely will do it again any day!
Then today Jeremy stole my labtop out of my room when I was taking a nap because he skipped class and Jeff and I decided to prank him by saying the test was tomorrow. Well the professor e-mailed us that the test will be Friday so Jeremy stole my labtop! I basically had to fight him for it back, didn't work well but I got it!
Well that everything interesting that happened this week! In two weeks I get to go downstate and see Skillet and meet parents of Adam, Heather, and Jeremy so it will be fun, but the planing, and the paying is so killing me!!
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