So, if things go the way I'm planning, today will be my first day without a cigarette. So far so good. I smoked my last one in my "last pack" last night. I think it helps when I hang out with non-smokers, and people who try to get me to quit. Now I just have to go running tonight or it will be kinda pointless, since that is really the reason I am quitting.
Anyways, onto MME11 stuff:
I took a bus down to Dayton on friday. Lavitz and I drove up that night, and stopped at Momo's to get some bubble tea and see Ashley while she was working. Saturday was the tournament, which was great. I was kind of in a bad mood that morning, I don't remember why though. Seeing everyone made be feel better though. I got pissy on and off all day, mostly because I was doing HORRIBLE in the fucking Supernova tournament, but every time I played on the Extreme I did amazing (see 1 great on EoTC). I played Tetris with some people and finally proved my Tetris-dominating powers. I FINALLY ate at Skyline Chili.
-getting tied up in jump rope bondage.
-Fighting people of course (I have a lot of rugburns).
-Just fucking seeing everyone.
Yeah, it was pretty sweet. MME#'s are always awesome.