Dec 17, 2003 16:14
Thank you Judge Judy marathons and mingling Pine-Sol and 409 fumes. I think I can officially be classified as legally retarded. A word of advice: Never clean the house while watching the honorable Judy Sheindlin dish out some rough justice. I'm not quite sure which is worse, the noxious reek of mind-destroying chemicals or her voice. But I only have myself to blame for continuing to watch the damn show. I'm so easily amused.
Woot...six days until I see Phantom of the Opera with my sister. I've never seen it before, how pathetic is that? I need to lead a more cultured existence. I tried to inject some refinement into my daily routine today by having afternoon tea. Admittedly, it was a laughable attempt, but a well-intentioned one, nonetheless. I just don't have time to make fresh scones, tea sandwiches, and tartlets.
I started reading Simon Schama's History of Britain series (props to Mom for this year's birthday presents...tons and tons o' books). One of my greatest regrets is not attending Columbia (not that I applied). I would have given my left foot to take Schama's British Visual Culture class. Maybe I'll get Wei Wei to take it when she's up there. I'll have to live vicariously through her.
It's nearing seven weeks since I last heard from Dr. Feske. Ass. I feel lost without him...
I guess I'd better go. The cat is trying to dupe me into giving her more food. She gets all sweet and cuddly, hoping you'll feed her. But by the time the bowl is on the floor, she's washed her paws of you. What a whore.