Title: For All I know Chapter 2
Genre: Gen - H/C
Characters: Dean, Sam, OMC's
Length: 2/4
Summary: Sam and Dean get kidnapped and imprisoned, together...but apart.
Rating: R - for blood/gore/swearing. Beware people.
Sam braced himself.
They locked eyes - anticipating the others first move.
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Comments 12
Blimey! Speed reading or what! I'm impressed.
those two sound like their off their rockers to try and use sam to do there dirty work because they're to lazy to actually do any real reading up on how to do anything as far as saving people from demons. I hope that deans plan actually works in there favor and not against them.
I think the rating scared me a bit at first (not a fan of wincest or non-con, soooo... ) but I took a closer look and it seems you've rated it very cautiously for content and I can appreciate that.
Can't wait to see where this goes next and .. EEP! Don't do anything stupid Dean (though secretly I hope he does coz there's nothing I like more than reckless Dean, especially when he gets his ass kicked but still manages to get them out of hot water... ) and wait for Sam!
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