(no subject)

Apr 12, 2011 20:45

This post is mostly being used as a group conversation post than anything else, but I'm not entirely sure how to contact everyone involved in a group conversation with all the differing schedules and whatnot.

Anyway, to the point. I know a few of you have expressed an interest in moving in with me when I move out of my current living space. Several if I stay in town (which would only be for up to a year maximum) or a few if I move out of town (most likely to Buffalo, NY). I think it'd be awesome, personally. Living with friends, paying a fraction of what I would normally, all that jazz. However, I do have a couple of concerns which I'd like to address here.

The primary concern being that I'm not going to be able to afford much. As it is I'm fully expecting to be supporting myself and only myself, and my finances aren't exactly good enough for renting an 8 bedroom apartment anywhere remotely livable :P Regardless of where I move, I'm kind of expecting to be the only employed person from the start. I don't know how many of you are working a job where you can transfer to Green Bay or Buffalo. I know several of you, like myself, may not have the funds to pay rent for however long it'd take to find a job (and if we go by how long it took me to find a job that would be 3 months of rent and whatever personal bills you might have.) As it is I'm looking to find employment before I even move.

Another concern that I thought about is space. If I were to take on just one person in a 1 bedroom apartment (if I'm stuck renting studio forget it :P No offense to any of you but that's far less privacy than I'm comfortable with! Cramming a bunch of people in a short term room is one thing. I can handle that. I don't really enjoy the thought of sharing my personal space like that long term.) it'd be somewhat limited in space. At least one of you expressed an desire to have storage space available. This may not be entirely possible unless a storage shed could be rented. I've spent some time in a single bedroom apartment. That can get real cramped real fast! If everyone has their own bedroom that's one thing, but if said 'bedroom' is community space that can be problematic.

So basically it all boils down to this. If anyone's going to move in with me I kind of need them to be able to help with the rent right off the bat. How big a place I get will also depend on whether or not people are ready to move in with me the day I move. I would love to have 3-4 people move in with me to cut down majorly on expenses but if nobody moves in for even a couple months that's leaving me with a good $600-$800+utilities a month for a 3 bedroom apartment that I'd be forced to pay completely on my own here. Which might be doable, if I ignore silly things like food and long term financial goals :P

One must also consider space requirements. I may be able to get a 1-2 bedroom place all on my own, but if I've got more people than I do bedrooms then it's definitely something that needs to be considered. I don't mind multiple people sharing a room (so long as they are couples), but I most likely won't be sharing mine for personal privacy reasons and I honestly think I'd prefer having no more than one couch crasher long term. If you've got an 11x16' room and have so much stuff there's barely even have space to move around the place there's no way I'm going to put up with all that stuff in the livingroom. I still need space to put my livingroom things like TVs, video game systems (I've got quite a few I want to set up; NES/SNES/64/GC/Wii/PS2/Xbox/PC), and bookshelves for all my books. Since it's also community space it's just decent to make sure everyone can use it. Gotta consider the privacy aspects as well. Unless I can section off a part of any community area anyone who walks in will see that area. There may be little to no privacy whatsoever. There's also this: Moving to a place in Green Bay means someone will either have to renew the lease, or everyone moves out at the end of the lease. As soon as I can afford it I'm leaving the state. I may be able to have everyone move with me, but everyone should be prepared in the event that I cannot take anyone with me when I move.

So basically, if I were to stay in town I can get a 1-2 bedroom place if I expect to be on my own for the initial month or two. If I move out of town I'll either be moving in with others (in which case you're all likely on your own as it's not my place to give) or getting a small single person place as I settle in so it doesn't really matter :P If I wind up staying in town who would want to move in with me, and how soon would people be able to help with the rent? As I stated above I can only afford so much. I can get bigger if I can get help with the rent/security deposit, but if I have to pay for the place & be all on my own the best I know I can do for sure is a single bedroom apartment; 2 if I'm really careful about finances.

Something that was noted to me that I should make note of here, and it makes sense. anyone moving in needs to have their share of the rent paid a month in advance (essentially, the current month & the next month. Around $500-$600 for one extra, $400 for two, $250 for three, etc. based on rent for just me being approximately $600 a month. Think of it as a security deposit :P) Ideally 2 months in advance would be better just in case it's a bit difficult to find a job, but I won't make that a requirement. However, if rent can't be made & an agreement of some sort isn't reached by the time rent is due I may be forced to evict. I'd rather not, but I honestly can't afford to have people staying with me rent free at this point.

Once I find out who's interested we can work on rules and the like so we can have everything hammered out before moving day. Doling out responsibilities, what's to be expected behavior-wise, etc.
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