I can't believe it. That kid is BACK on the escalator.

Jul 01, 2005 15:09

"Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator. "

So today has been very productive. I finally moved everything from the other apartment into the new apartment even though the new place is like a total mess. I'm going to move some of the boxes that are surrounding my island in the kitchen and put them away. Outta sight outta mind. Today we are going to go pick out our big screen and put down the first month's payment on it. Then tomorrow I got my cable and roadrunner (which is free since I work at time warner) scheduled between 2-4. Hopefully the big screen will be delivered by then and we'll have cable and a big screen. Oh man Halo 2...on a bigscreen..online. This is too much...brain overload. Anyhow, things are looking up. Tomorrow we're supposed to submit the paper and our ideas for the invitations to the copy place. Richard and Holly are supposed to come over on Sunday and celebrate July 4th with us so I'm going to have to find some time to get some fireworks before they come over. Everything's coming up Milhouse around here. I wish everyone could have this feeling...I'm pretty sure they could if they just put their problems aside for a minute and stopped and smelled the roses. Ah but that is an easier thing said than done. Well I better get to moving those boxes before I forget and take a nap and Julie comes home and yells at me. Then i'll have to cower in the corner in fear as she hurls plates at my head. Peace out.
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