Doctor Who --- 33 Days of Doctor/Rose ---- Day 10: Sad Moment

Aug 02, 2011 16:39

I mentioned in Day 8 - Romantic Moment that the Bad Wolf Bay scene in Journey's End could be used for soooo many of these prompts. So I'm reusing it XD

I think Rose's reaction to realizing that Ten is going to leave her behind is incredibly sad, for one particular reason: look at the expression that is NOT on her face.

She is heartbroken, she is horrified, she is devastated, she is angry, she is clearly being torn up by this.

But she is not surprised.

She's spent years in another universe, working at Torchwood, who is developing the Dimension Cannon so she can return home. She's been looking for the Doctor for gawd-knows-how-long. And one of the first things he does is to deposit her right back in the alternate universe - and she's not shocked.

That, to me, is utterly heartbreaking. She clearly knew deep down it was a possibility, and who knows, maybe on some level she knew he was going to do it. Leave her in Aberdeen, or Croydon, or Bad Wolf Bay, or wherever. After all ... if it hadn't been for him calling her to Bad Wolf Bay in Doomsday, the last time she would have seen him would have been as he was trying to argue with her and send her back to Pete's World, where he had just deposited her against her express wishes.

That just breaks my heart.

(This actually goes hand-in-hand with my head canon that in the immediate aftermath of Journey's End, Rose had some serious abandonment issues as far as TenToo is concerned. I don't see how there's any way she could get over that and be all "yippee! relationship!" particularly quickly. Way too much emotional baggage.)

Day 01: Favorite Quote
Day 02: Favorite Scene
Day 03: Favorite Episode
Day 04: Favorite Season
Day 05: Favorite Hand-holding Moment
Day 06: Silly Moment
Day 07: Epic Moment
Day 08: Romantic Moment
Day 09: Funny Moment
Day 10: Sad Moment
Day 11: Heartbreaking Moment
Day 12: Prettiest Scene
Day 13: Favourite Kiss
Day 14: Favorite Hug
Day 15: Favourite Doctor Moment About Rose
Day 16: Favourite Rose Moment About The Doctor
Day 17: Favorite Character Reaction About Doctor/Rose
Day 18: Favorite Christopher Eccleston Quote About Doctor/Rose
Day 19: Favorite David Tennant Quote About Doctor/Rose
Day 20: Favorite Julie Gardner Quote About Doctor/Rose
Day 21: Favorite Russel Davies Quote About Doctor/Rose
Day 22: Favorite Cast/Crew Quote About Doctor/Rose
Day 23: Favorite Fanartist
Day 24: Favorite Fanfiction
Day 25: Favorite Fanart
Day 26: Favorite Fanmix
Day 27: Favorite Fanvid
Day 28: Favorite Song
Day 29: Favorite Site/Tumblr About Doctor/Rose
Day 30: Favorite Ficwriter
Day 31: Favorite Nine/Rose moment
Day 32: Favorite Ten/Rose moment
Day 33: The moment that made you a Doctor/Rose shipper

33 day doctor/rose meme, doctor who

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