Eh, been busy couple of weeks

Aug 10, 2016 15:03

Seems like for every one thing I get done, at least five more things pop up. :P

Still searching and applying to places. Have a few leads, which is nice after a long period of nothing (guess the end of summer, when people go back to school, tends to open things up). Trying not to get my hopes up about anything, though. I do realize I need to move on, if for nothing else than I'm not being challenged here, and while I like being lazy and routine, it isn't what is best for me.

Went to Water World with my buddy Jeff yesterday. We had a good time, until the heat got to me and I got heat stroke and we had to leave (although it was a bit late in the day and crowded by then). Still, it did convince me that I need to get back into swimming (the one physical activity that really isn't a chore for me). And I'm betting the Rec Center pool won't have massive amounts of sanitary salt in the water (made me miss chlorine!).

Working on getting little bits and bobs done in the basement. Quilts for my neighbor are coming along (I'd like to have as many of those done as possible to give to her next month; we had a break in the crafting group meetings these past two months, and it would be nice to just give her everything and not have anything besides my stuff sitting in the basement). Might be able to knock another one out tonight. My big goal is to not only use up the fabrics that I have no other use for, but also make a dent in a bunch of lace and bias tape that was given to me (and is in colors I KNOW I will never use). By my reckoning, I probably have enough to make 5 or 6 quilts more.

Still have no idea what I'm going to do for Arisia/CC35 (well, I have IDEAS, but picking one... very difficult to do!). Juggling in my head between Princess Knight (Sapphire is awesome, but my body type isn't quite on par with hers, and the outfit is a bit oddly standard), the Marquis de Hoto (I'm guessing, though, that everyone will assume I'm the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, so a bit reluctant to do that one), Yakko Warner (need to revamp the gloves... AGAIN, and redo the head; also, not sure if this one is up to my standards for masquerade entering), and Dr Nefarious (which is a difficult costume at best, and insanely impossible at worst... at least, how I'd like to do him... ignore the innuendo -_-;;;).

There's also the possibility of maybe doing a group costume (Bunnymund from Rise of the Guardians, possibly; if I get one other person to team up with me, a Blood Dragon could be cool, assuming I can figure out a way to pack it into a suitcase; and then there's the possibility of formal-wear Mythbusters inspired clothing).

So many things to ponder... ;)

As far as knitting goes (aka, all the stuff stuffed into my room and driving me crazy with being out), I managed to wind all the shanks from Christmas into very loose balls (can't wind tightly, or the yarn gets stretched and damaged) and got started on some of the bigger projects. So the list of projects is now:
-use up white crochet thread knitting one or two more doilies (was given to me; this was the best I could figure to do with it)
-use up orange and yellow crochet thread on one doily (same as above)
-make long green coat (out of Christmas yarn)
-make shorter turquoise coat (out of Christmas yarn)
-make blue Celtic coat (possibly as a gift for someone; depends on how it looks when finished)
-make gray and black stockings for historical outfit (inventing this as I go)
-make red stockings for Dr Who Lolita-ish outfit (inventing this as I go as well)
-make brown legwarmers (has pattern to use, but I question if my yarn will work for this)
-make silk shawl and dye it (going to try spot-dyeing; should be interesting)
-make red coat (Christmas present for my mom; using lace-weight yarn, so it'll take forever and a day, but it is soft and should be to her tastes)

If I can get the coats done, then that's most of the yarn and four big projects out of the way (and it gives me nice, warm things to wear when the weather turns to crap, which is probably going to be soon). Luckily, the coats are done on larger sized needles, so they should go quicker than the gloves I was doing or the socks (size 2 needles make for good socks, but they take so LONG...).

Eh, I guess I rambled. I wish I had more done, especially more fun stuff, but work tends to zap any energy I have (whether with frustration or boredom). I tend to feel very tired all the time, and I keep having migraines (related, in part, to the ever-changing Colorado weather as of late). Hopefully the next update will have some more productivity from me. :)

random, real life, costume ideas, crafting

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