May 03, 2014 11:43

Oh, this week was just... bleh! :P Not anything in particular, but coming back from Canada and having all those tutoring times assigned throughout the week (mostly in the mornings before I usually tutor or want to be up) definitely took its toll.

Not only that, but somehow, I had two interviews yesterday, pretty much back-to-back, during my only free time in the week. Still not sure how all that happened at once. They went well, I thought, but I have no real basis for that, so only time will tell.

BUT! I am done with UNC. No more going back there, so that is one thing over and done with. :D Still need to turn in my grades (will do so tonight), but otherwise...

This was the first day in three weeks where I got more than 5 hours of sleep and did not wake up to my alarm. It was nice. :)

This weekend will be a general cleaning and organizing and sewing weekend. I found a really good progressive trance composer on Youtube, as well as some good recommendations from their program (for once), so I also need to redo my MP3 player. I'm also going to start trying to get back into shape, starting with taking a few long walks this weekend.

Countdowns and Deadlines:
0 days until the last day I have to go to UNC (FREEDOM!)
10 days until end of the FRCC spring semester and tutoring for this semester
39 days until the Denver Comic Con

4 days of actual tutoring left
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