Of course it would break...

Jun 10, 2012 01:13

Oy, I'm being so lazy this summer. -_-;;; Gotta get back into doing research. Do have tutoring next week, and I find that when I have to do one thing, I'm motivated to work on other important things as well. So maybe I can finally get through all that research and talk with my adviser about what classes to take next semester. I also want to look into maybe getting a part time job (less than 10 hours a week) as a research assistant to see if maybe chemical research appeals to me. Dunno...

But, the title of this post refers to our AC unit, which seems to be non-functional at the moment (right in the middle of a nice chunk of increasingly hotter days). Last night it kept sounding like it was making grinding noises (and me being the only one up heard it) and today, it hit 81 (Fahrenheit) in the house when the thermo is set to 75 so, well, yeah, it ain't working.

We can hear the click of the equipment telling the unit to turn on, but the fan part that can be seen on the AC unit does not spin, and it sounds like it's sucking power and doing nothing, so no clue what's up. My brother's going to try to find the reset switch tomorrow (it was too dark for us to really attempt looking for the thing tonight).

However, I'm thinking this will mean we need a new AC unit, and possibly the whole HVAC system, which is not cheap by ANY means. Hell, some of the prices I saw online (and these weren't the easiest to find, so I'm hoping they are wrong) rivaled new cars.

Bleh. >:P Hate when stuff like this happens. On the very small plus side, I'm in the basement and not in the heat, so for me personally, I'm okay with no AC.

Back to cleaning. Re-organized the basement and took everything off the walls. Gotta paint them and rehang stuff... may do that tomorrow.

BTW, does anybody else feel guilty about using the number of reviews/chapter (on FFnet) to judge whether a story is worth a look? For some of the really popular fandoms, I tend to want at least 10 reviews per chapter before attempting a story simply because anything below that tends towards poor writing. Although I question the value of that criteria of mine...

Lastly, new icon! Have another new one (to bust out for more fangirlish posts), but I REALLY love this one. ^^ Yes, Speed Racer related, but I think the overall general sentiment fits me. ;P
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