Title: The clock strikes midnight
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Narcissa/Bellatrix
Wordcount: 177
Rating: PG-13
Warning: hinted abuse
femslash100 - Drabbletag5: midnight
The first stroke of the big clock sounds through the house and makes Narcissa shriek. )
"Over Thinking" Is a great contrast, light and airy, like flying should be. Lovely idea and imagery.
"Special chocolate" - This is kind of dark when you think about it, and adds more to the reasons why Petunia hates magic so much.
1. I really had fun doing this one to twelve thing ... originally I didn't plan to make it this dark and angsty, but in the end I liked it that way :'D
2. Thanks, that is what I was aiming for :3
3. Gosh you're right ... I never thought of 'the morning-after', Petunia's waking up, the reaction, the confrontation! I think I'm going to write a sequel sometime :o Thanks for that new POV :'D
So, I really like all of the 3 Drabbles, but I think, I have to say, that I really love the 1st.
Thank you :3 To be honest, my favourite one is also the first ;D Nothing beats Blackcest!
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