Aug 24, 2006 12:36
Picked Dad up from Rhino Linings at 9:30, which is earlier than he expected me there, but later than I had anticipated. Panda tried waking me up at 5:11 this morning telling me I was late, at which point I proceeded to fuck with my alarm clock... and turn off the alarm. Still woke up at 7:30 and got out of her house as a decent time. I... really have no idea what she was talking about this morning, which further proves that we're quite the pair when we're talking in our sleep. I don't even have a clue what she said, but I know I laughed at her. Ah, I love her so.
I, um... yeah. Rough night last night. Already talked about it, so there's nothing else to talk about. Not that concerns anyone who can't see that entry, anyway.
One year ago today, Tropical Depression 12 formed in the Atlantic. This little tropical depression grew and grew and got itself a real name: Katrina.
Pluto was demoted as a planet. Given the 'Sports Night' reference, I totally feel Natalie's pain here.
Not much of an update? Well, there really isn't much for me to say. I fell asleep several times on the way in this morning, and didn't get lost trying to find the Rhino Linings place that Dad was at. I'm going home tonight, and maybe staying there Friday night as well. If that's the case I'm gonna leave Saturday morning with Andy and some other things. Possibly even my desk. But that's only if that futon's dismantled. And if not, I can help with that when I get home.