Rants and rambles

Aug 23, 2006 11:37

If you spoke to me last night, you got a little taste of the real emo!Manda. That's not fun. I hate it when she comes out to play.

I don't know who fell asleep first. All I know is I slept.

En route to the office this morning I got hammered by this large rock flying off of some skanky-ass dump truck and dinged my windshield. Not enough of a ding to have to go get Irwin emergency surgery, but enough to get me kicking and screaming at the fucker in the dump truck.

I think I broke my office chair. It's considerably lower to the ground than it used to be.

Ten weeks, people. Ten. And yes, because I'm balls-to-the-wall crazy, I am going to attempt the Nano thing again. I encourage all who write, and all who can find their muses, to join me. Who knows. Maybe if we're feeling frisky enough we can have a meet-up somewhere. I'd be down for a vacation in November, especially to somewhere warmer than Pennsylvania.

For some odd reason my brand spankin' new Bluetooth headset is quote "fuzzy, Amanda, it's fuzzy as hell." Do I have to set up the phone so that it's not all that fuzzy? And yes, I know I should read the book. But the book's back home and I'm not going to be there until Friday evening. *pause* I'm going home Friday and Saturday nights, if only to grab a few remaining things. Small things. Like 'House: Season 2', and Andy.

Speaking of Andy, I'm thinking of adding a 60GB hard drive to him, and putting all of my music on this new hard drive. If I do that I'll free up something like 30GB of space on Andy for other more important things. Off the top of my head I can't think of what that would be, but I know there must be something.

I need to get tickets for the State Fair. I don't know how many days Matt and Tricia plan on spending at the fair, but I think we'll be good for one. That'll give us the liberty of going to the Falls if we so choose. Hmm. Maybe while I'm up there I can use my UBCard and pilfer some more Microsoft products. I should check on the website first...
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