It looks like I'm back again. Mom, do you know how long I have been gone? I'm still so hungry. And I missed school because I slept for 11 hours straight...T____T There's no point in me going now. And I could still sleep for another three hours. When I think about it, I think I will.
I really wish the spirit took better care of my body. When I came back around I was standing infront of Sync's door with a really, really big shotgun of Dad's but anyway...
And why am I bruised and bandaged this time??? Maybe I got into a fight with Akito again? I need a break from this.
And Uncle looks pissed at me. Oh great. There's not much to be said for waking up back in my body in the conditions I do.
Who am I really becoming?
So much for being 'some big brother'. Sync I still stand by saying you should grow up a little. You know yelling at me for what the spirit does proves pointsless. Atleast Roxas doesn't throw fits like you. Oh, and I haven't seen Sora around. He does run about like a lightening bolt here and there anyway.
So, waking up back in my room I think a, ah, certain someone might have taken things that belong to people. If any of the following items are yours from house or school, please tell me and I'll return it immediatly.
I really wouldn't mind if someone quickly picked up the baby Caimen Alligator soon. If not I'll have to go out and buy a cage for him soon. He hasn't bothered me though- I wonder how he got so well trained?
Mom, um.. Would you like the blue diamond if no one claims it? I think it would look really good on you. Dad, you can have the crown in the name of Prussia. That works well, doesn't it?