I still can't figure out why Mom winsists on picking out the clothes we have to ear every morning. I CAN'T TAKE OVER TOWNS WEARING THIS.
Had to go see another therapist today because I'm not allowed to go to school unless I go to my councelor for therapy. Didn't work out. I wonder if she met the Grim Reaper yet in the Shadow Realm- because she sure hasn't come back yet. HAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAA!!!
Since I still had forty five minutes left before the session was over I stayed in her office and played
SNOOD on her computer. ANd did some pillaging.
Atleast my brothers understand that I don't need to take Prozac. And I don't care whether or not Sora has ADHD, we do just fine going out together and killing heartless to get stress out.
So the dumb Therapist/Councelor was saying I have anger managment issues, I hurt myself to the hide the pain (I didn't think stabbing my hand as a threat to my opponent in Duel Monsters mattered but she did), and I'm depressed because 'I think that I'm an ancient thief from Egypt whose entire village, all family and home, was killed' and this is a sad delusion to hide how unhappy I am at home. WHICH IS TOTAL BULLSHIT! Than she was about to tell me to stop gambling in the school cafeteria, and by gambling meant playing Shadow Games, in which I send other students to the Shadow Realm if they lose the game.... So I sent her to the Shadow Realm.
Now some stupid block party is happening soon. Whatever- I'M COOKING THE STEAKS WHENEVER THIS SHIT HAPPENS.