I believe in our shared future, it's part of why I'm in seminary.

Jan 21, 2009 09:09

Yesterday was certainly an emotional day.

At school, almost all of us who are currently on campus, and our children, gathered together to watch the exchange of responsibility from George W. Bush to Barack H. Obama.  There were applause and tears of joy.

On Sunday, the Right Reverend V. Gene Robinson, Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire, gave a very inspiring prayer.  And I think we need to heed it well.

President Obama (God how lovely that is to type!) can not lead us alone.  We have to put ourselves in the game.  We have to work, we need to get out into the streets and do.

What we are experiencing can either be a bloodless revolution with regard to the way to treat each other locally, nationally and globally, or we can just let this rare chance expire, unrealized.

Here's a little video that I found this morning.  I hope that you'll watch it, and be inspired not by their celebrity, but by the fact that they are willing to state clearly, what they are willing to work on to change the world.

By speaking our intentions aloud, we can be allowing ourselves to be called to account by those around us who love, respect and cherish us.  What are you willing to commit to, aloud, in front of the people you love and admire?

What are you willing to be accountable for?

Here is my answer.

I will find 10 other gay men to walk with me to fund-raise for finding a cure for Breast Cancer.  A correlation between not having children and a heightened risk for breast cancer has been exposed.  Lesbians have historically been disproportionately at risk for breast cancer (compared to heterosexual women.)  Because lesbians stood with gay men during the first wave of the AIDS crisis, taking care of gay men, nurturing our BGLT organizations I feel I owe them when they are in need now.  To this end I will not only fund-raise for a breast cancer cure, I will be clear that I am doing it not for my Mom, or my Aunt, but for my lesbian sisters (none of whom are biologically related to me.)

And when I accomplish this gathering of 10, I will post photos of us on our walk, to show my LJ friends what we did.  I am making myself accountable to you.

If you want to do this with me, great!

If you have some other thing you'd like me to do with you, please invite me.

Liberals have been complaining for 8 years (and many for more) about the way things are, and it's time to put the rubber to the road, and get moving.

Please join me.

pragmatism and a new hope

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