RB2 and LJ Friends!

Dec 31, 2008 06:38

Last night I had the distinct privilege of having dinner and hanging out with dedos , mississippicub and reluctant_bubba .  Chris and I introduced Brian and Jaime to Rock Band 2, and like all good dealers, we gave them their first taste of it for tree.

It's the last day of 2008, and it's been quit a year for me.
1 6 week trip to the East Coast
1 potential relationship lost it's potential
2 parental health crises
1 unexpected pregnancy (not mine, you fools! my brother and his girlfriend.)
12.5 credits closer to graduating from seminary
45 lbs lost

And many un-quantitativable joys.  Friendships, days in the sun, walks to the Lake, laughs shared, dinners made.

Sure, there were a few tears, but life is rich.

And I try to remember that every day.

fun, friends and final days!

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