JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I AM SICK OF FUCKING EMO KIDS!!!!!!!!!In the past month there has been an excessive amount of emo-ness. Luckily emo people can’t make it in my school (they will be killed), so my school time is emo-free. I understand making one song about self mutilation, but it’s not a thing you make a living out of. And if you have your
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I did post this on my LJ knowing that I would offend, but I'm sick of this emo shit. If you hate me for hating emo, then go cry in a corner for a few days and then kill your sorry little ass.
Devyn, I really didn’t post anything here to offend you (I really didn’t see much emo in you...) but I had to post it. It makes me think (briefly) if I have misjudged a lot of people, but I stand by my argument. I was talking about all the kids who label themselves emo. As far as I know, you don’t label yourself emo, and you don’t act at all emo, but I guess that if you are offended by this, then you have labeled yourself an emo kid or I have just told one of your good emo-labeled friends to kill themselves. Well, either way I hate emo kids.
And I know what country talks about, Old country, (my grandpa listens to) and I have also heard modern country music, I know the diffrence!
I know what confederates are...what do you think I'm a fucking imbosol??
and I'm not emo,,,and you think I would cry because you critisize emo music! I think your are a moron! dont take that affencivly but just because I listen to that music doesnt mean that I act like that and do what they do! I mean your really not one to talk because youve sat there and tried to kill yourself numerous times...So dont even TRY to tell me that because you post a comment about a type of music that I disagree with you on Im going to cry and cut my self in to peices!
I dont label myself emo, but it seems like you are the one who has labled me emo...I just disagreed with your statment and I spoke up about it and because I did that I myself have to be considered and "emo kid?"
And I htink its pathetic that you and your little friend hate meo kids because of how they choose to deal with problems...I have quite a few emo friends and they dont sit there and critisize you "gothic kids" because of how you choose to solve or express yours...I mean I know you dont listen to emo but you do act emo someties, so your basicly bashing your self!
You talk about how they cut themselves when they get broken up with, and if I rember correctly you did the same thing on numerous ocasions when people have broken up with you!
I understand you didnt mean to affend, but Im just stating how I feel...but I guess I shouldnt get too carried away because I might look to emo!
I admit their are some fakes who say oh yes because I'm emo I have to pretend to be a sad depressed person, but there are some who are just like that!
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