Mar 17, 2005 21:19
I don't do shit to her other than care for her and love her and what does she do she says "i found someone else" "I love you but not in love with you" she's just like my fucking mom. I want to die someone slit my wrists or shoot me please. I'm tired of putting my heart into someone just for it to get ripped out and thrown on the ground. Someone please help me.
ocpgoofy: so why would you do this to someone you tell you love them
ocpgoofy: saw amy today and she said it was bs what you did to me
ocpgoofy: i loved you and you just shit on me thanks.... then you act like you wanna be friends nice try
Kim : i can promise you that amy could give a shit....i said friends but thats not what i really ment....
ocpgoofy: well then what did you mean??? fuck buddies?? doesn't make any sense
Kim : ewww....i didn't enjoy it when we were together
ocpgoofy: way to step on my heart
ocpgoofy: i cared about you
ocpgoofy: and all you did was lie to me
ocpgoofy: i want my shit back
ocpgoofy: and i want it at my house not your dads
Kim : its your shit....
ocpgoofy: well you're the bitch that just picked up and left on me, you're just like my moterh
Kim : no, no, no you many have you left....doing the same thing she did?
ocpgoofy: yeah well i wasn't going to do anything bad too you, i wanted to be with you
Kim : thats not what you said
ocpgoofy: i wanted to be with you the rest of my life if possible
Kim : i got to go
ocpgoofy: fuck you then
Kim : i've got someone for that
ocpgoofy: bitch
ocpgoofy: never thought you'd be so childish
Kim : -im telling u dude call a her bitch again im for sure that im bigger then ya so peace
ocpgoofy: bitch bitch bitch
ocpgoofy: i don't give a damn thats what she is to me