Apr 16, 2006 21:31
I just got Brand New's demo disc for their new album and it's pretty good stuff. That's all I'll say about it right now. I don't wanna say anything bad about them, too many uhhh, yeah.
Anyways, I have school tommorow, as how it always is with Mondays. Man, school in Vienna used to be so easy, I'd go everyday and I liked it. Here I like it but it's such a drag to get up for. I stay up until at least 2 every night and if I don't wanna get up in the morning then I just don't. I often skip school and get drunk and go to the beach. My grades are awfully mediocre and I don't do my homework until a couple of days after it's due. I can't wait until summer is here, even if I don't do anything, it'll be nice to just not have to worry about the endless amount of work that gets thrown at us. Just one more effing year of highschool and then it's of to...I don't even know.
After highschool I think I'm going to FSU...but it's doubtful I'll even get in with my shitty 2.8 GPA. I know I should go to college but sometimes it just seems like such an impossible idea. Right now I'm way more stoked about getting out of my parent's house than college. My future has a lot of different routes it can go, I'm curious to see which way it goes. I know your future is what you make it, but I think what happens to me from now until June of next year will decide my fate. I hope everything works out for the best, I know whatever happens though, it'll work out alright.
So I got Zoloft a while back. I took it for like two days the stopped. It made me sweat a lot and fart a lot too, so I decided to stop. I'd also get nautious and I'd have trouble sleeping. I'm sure the nicotine patches had something to do with it. I smoked while I was on the patch too, and now I'm twice as addicted as I was before. Now I just wear patches when I can't get my hands on anything that has nicotine. Sometimes when I get really bad cravings I'll put two patches on at once. HAHA! FUCKIN' SHIT! Maybe I can sell my Zoloft. This girl up the street sells her ADD medication. I wish I would have gotten that instead, it actually helps me. I do stuff for school when I'm on it. I do all my homework plus some, pay attention in class, then work out like some shit. It's just a variation of speed really, it's only 3 molecules different than Coke ya know, and that can't be healthy. But healthy isn't exactly my lifestyle no matter how hard I try. I think that I'm destined to be the first of my friends to win the race to death. I just wanna get something done before I go.