[todoketai, todokanai, kono omoi wo]

Feb 04, 2008 16:33

So, as predicted, I spent the last couple of hours awake last night catching up to all the available chapters of Katekyou Hitman Reborn!. General fjda;lfkadsfld;flds under the cut. Spoilers up to chapter 178.

[karamawari shita mama no boku no jounetsu] )

god this series ate my life, pretty bois are pretteh!!!, katekyou hitman reborn!, fufufufufu gokudera-kun

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runesque February 5 2008, 06:08:16 UTC
Man, you SO gotta kick Hope's arse into KHR because YOU GUYS WOULD WRITE EPIC ENTRIES TOGETHER. Yes, considering how hard I am to nab, it surprised me how I warmed up to this series pronto. In a matter of 3 days XDDD. After I was done reading the then-latest chapter, I went on a mad fanarting spree, like, everyday until I drove my flist crazy. I DEFINITELY never felt like this towards a series before.

Demi, Demi, why don't you mention the unfortunate fact that there is no freaking mafia in this "mafia" story??? Like, you could take the word out and the series wouldn't be any different. Sure the guys are all jazzed up in black suits in TYL but they still won't freaking kill or at least drug deal. What with Hibari and all his "I'll kill you"s and "bite you dead"s, one would think he makes sure his enemy is dead after a shish kebab treatment but noooo! I want to see symbolic killings. And, please, sensei, please, stop introducing quirky shouneny enemies into the cast because we're not getting any closer to "mafia" with Ginger Bread.

I also hope someone dies already, and not just offscreen or "Oh, s/he still lives albeit in a critical condition." That scene with Tsuna unknowingly attacking the 9th would've been so much more powerful if he died. And knowing Amano and her penchant for defying the laws of physics, I'm expecting to see TYL!Mukuro out of that water tank after 10 years of... water looking his usual Armani supermodel self.

Anyway, yeah, involving timeskips/AU in a story is bound to give the author headaches, including us speculating readers. The main questions now are: 1) Why didn't future Reborn replace current Reborn, 2) Why did bazooka take them to 9 yrs 10 mths into the future and not the usual 10 years, and 3) What on earth was in the parcel sent by Lambo's boss that accidentally went to Irie's house since, apparently, that held the key to his ascent to power. Whoever holds the strings to this incident - and there has to be more than one mastermind - must've wanted to bring the Rings to the future, considering the future no longer has them, and to reduce the Vongola's firepower. What this has to do with Tsuna's death, there's not enough clue yet for speculations.

I hope Longchamp doesn't magically become good-looking, because part of his charms is that he's SO NOT. And AHHHHH I AGREE THAT CHROME IS HOT, VERY HOT <3 <3 <3. I love her so, so much and I know that she's still a weak personality but she might change after the TYL arc, or so I'm hoping. And I want nothing more now than to finally see TYL!Chrome. I hope Amano does not disappoint (and please lose that topknot, like, PLEASE). And OMG her body... I'm so lesbian for her. Though I find I cannot ship 6996 (MukuChrome) by virtue of them looking too much alike. I don't ship incest, so XDDDD And Lal is also quite hot. Love her tsundere-ness.

How can you not tell Yama and TYL!Yama apart? The adult version is so much more mellow and GAR!! HAHAHAHA Goku's expression is priceless when Yama replaces TYL!Yama. Yeah, a lot of people are dead in this AU but remember that it is AU so nothing the adults who went to the past do will change their own time. Pretty depressing, if you think about it. So our guys will go back to the present all battle-hardened and traumatised and Tsuna is still dead in the alternate future.

re: Hibari + Hibird - I'm not the only one who's in awe by Hibird's long life. And it's the only organism that is allowed to poop on Hibari-san's head. About the lone wolf and animal lover thing, it's my pet theory that Hibari may not be human ROFL. He could be a demi-god, a Namimori protector spirit, or Mother Nature going stark raving mad against humans. Or even a princess because you just know he sang the anthem to the bird to teach it. And it always bothers me that his age is marked as "?" in the official guidebook. And Ryohei once says "Damn, I think he was already School Prez by the time I entered this school... he hasn't changed at all." Creepy.


kill_me_faster February 5 2008, 15:54:34 UTC
GAH, HIBARI. And his feathery feathery hair. Also, uh, way to fuck everything up, Lambo's boss.

I'm actually kind of curious about what the TYL!cast is doing back in the past, anyway. Since apparently they can't just kill the young Shoichi Irie themselves, are they just...sitting around? O.o Chilling out? It'd be interesting to see. Plus, TYL!Yamamoto could totally be all like, "DAAAAAAAD! You're actually ALIVE in this dimension!!!!! ;___; *manly tears of joy*" or whatever and I'd be like, "b'awwww".

Also, bwah, Hope. I imagine she's rather busy in stoopid Russia otherwise I'd try to get her in on this. She probably wouldn't like any of the characters I do, though. I think, like, Code Geass is the first fandom EVAR in which we've liked the same characters/pairing. Which, you know, knowing her she'd probably convert me to something weird like Chrome/Tsuna anyway. She always manages to make me like thins I never would have thought possible.

You know, in terms of trauma, one of the things that made me make a pathetic little animal noise upon seeing/reading it was the expression Gokudera made when Gamma told him during their fight how Tsuna had been gunned down. It was like he'd been shot himself. IT WAS ALL VERY DEPRESSING. D:

Also, yeah, wow, this manga was about the mafia? HOW WOULD ANYONE KNOW IF YOU DON'T TELL THEM, AMANO-SENSEI?

Guh, I really want to go on more at length but I have to go to work now. Boo. D: Anyway, time to work...TO THE EXTREME!!!11 :D

...i need khr icons like woah.


runesque February 6 2008, 17:33:45 UTC
Yeah, I'm actually more interested in the TYLs who are in the past than what the current chapters are showing us (fighting fighting fighting, bah). I imagine they'd be walking around the town reminiscing good, old days =D. And Yamamoto would so do that LOL. I wonder how dad's going to react. And the prospect of teen Mukuro getting seme'd by TYL!Chrome is too fun XDD.

Hope says she'll pick it up in 4 months' time...... by which time I'm not even sure that I'll still be in this fandom. I probably will, though it's a question of whether I'll enjoy it as much as I do now. She even said she'd write something once she gets into it D= and we have to wait that long. Argh, argh. AND PLEASE NO CHROME/TSUNA. I haven't gotten over the trauma of reading a (admittedly quite hot BUT) brain-scorching Chrome/Tsuna/Muku in which Mukuro goes in and out of Chrome's head while, er, she's doing it with him. WHICH IS DO NOT WANT. PLEASE NO, HOPE T____T.

Actually, I've been entertaining the idea of a Mukuro/Hibari/Chrome OT3 in which Mukuro is possessing Chrome so we have yaoi, het and seme-seme all in one and everybody wins. What do you think of this madness??? *hanged*

Ah, when Tsuna is gunned down T_____T. And G is like "LIEEEES IT'S ALL LIEEES" I kind of broke down, too, but to me the scene with Tsuna remembering his toddlerhood with the Ninth was much more sad. Man, how I wished Tsuna had killed him for real.


kill_me_faster February 6 2008, 21:59:33 UTC

Leave it to her to totally ruin a good thing. Sort of. Knowing her, she'll make me like it regardless. But blaaaaah, 4 months? I hate STOOPID RUSSIA already. D:

Also, bwah hah aha re: OT3, that's totally what I was planning on writing for you, believe it or not. SPOILERS? XD;; So I'm glad the idea, uh, doesn't frighten you perpetually.

Pffft, yeah, the 9th surviving that EXTREMELY FATAL-LOOKING wound kind of made me "buh?", too. I mean, that totally could have been epic coming-of-age for Tsuna, all, "I MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FAMILY NOW THAT I'VE GONE AND DONE THIS ;____;" but, uh, no, not yet. O.o

In regards to the TYLs in the past, I was actually thinking about writing a drabble or something in which TYL!Goku goes to pick on Yamamoto while Yamamoto is still in the past. XD;; You know, be all like, "BECAUSE I'M TALLER THAN YOU NOW, NYAN :P" and stuff like that. You totally know that he would do it, too.


runesque February 7 2008, 10:46:07 UTC
That's totally what I was planning on writing for you, believe it or not.

............o God, I can't wait already. But do take your time! Yes, take your time!!!

If near-killing your predecessor doesn't serve as a coming-of-age experience, I wonder what does? T___T Seeing how he's still sweet 'n pure 'n naive Tsuna this far. Do you think that's the idea Amano's going for? That naive Tsuna is going to pacify the mafia before we actually see mafia? Oh man, I am so going to tar her if that's the case.

Now, I'm also among the few people who're interested in past!TYLs so any drabble you have in mind regarding that is very welcome <3 <3 <3. I wonder if TYL!G and TYL!Yama are having mafia booze and ciggies in a bar somewhere? <3 That'll be a good break from all the fighting. And, ah, TYL!G is so going to do that to poor Yama XDD. I bet Hibari is feeling all sorts of excitement at the prospect of duelling against a worthier TYL!G+Yama, too <3 <3.


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