[todoketai, todokanai, kono omoi wo]

Feb 04, 2008 16:33

So, as predicted, I spent the last couple of hours awake last night catching up to all the available chapters of Katekyou Hitman Reborn!. General fjda;lfkadsfld;flds under the cut. Spoilers up to chapter 178.

So, okay, one thing that's been bugging me so far in this manga: NOBODY DIES IN KHR. NOT EVEN THE BAD GUYS. NOT EVEN BY, LIKE, ACCIDENT OR SOMEBODY ELSE'S HANDS. O.o Like, I understand that in shounen manga dedicated to kids of....hmmmm, a younger age (I MEAN, SHOUNEN MANGA OTHER THAN BERSERK/GANTZ/ETC.), I guess, that the heros rarely go around bloodying their hands by killing off people, no matter how evil they might be. But people STILL die. Like, the infamous "bad guy fighting in front of a cliff and jumps off rather than face the hero's mercy" ploy, or an even BIGGER bad guy will show up and randomly off the first bad guy just to prove how GAR he is. But, like...NOT EVEN SHARKS COULD BRING DOWN SQUALO. O.O Like, I was KIND of sad when I thought he died, mostly because poor Yamamoto-kun was all torn up looking over it. Plus, you know, Xanxus was being a royal ass about it, too, all laughing and being "whatever" and stuff.

Anyway, so, Varia arc finished. Hibari showing up to save the day made me "b'awwww". :D I was wondering how long it would take for him to admit that he totally cares what happens to Tsuna and his group. Even if it is for, like, really "I still fucking hate you guys" reasons. Oh Hibari-kun just submit to the GHEI already~~~ ♥

Well, that aside, I was really breathing a sigh of relief when the Sky Ring started rejecting Xanxus because then I was like, "WHOO, THANK GOD, SOMEONE IS FINALLY GOING TO DIE EVEN IF IT IS BY A RETARDED MAGICAL RING" but sure enough he didn't die. I mean, I'm pretty sure he went to jail where he was then anally raped by dozens of burly prisoners named Largo or something and THEN killed, but if that happened then they never explicitly said so, which is fail. COME ON, DIE PEOPLE, ALREADY.

So, after the Varia arc is the future arc, which, I CAME but I'll get to that in a second. So, basically, this arc starts out with Tsuna, Reborn, and Gokudera accidentally getting sent 10 years into the future via the 10-Year Bazooka, which, idiot Lambo was doing the usual and firing it around without restraint. (His "THE BOSS SAID NOBODY CAN USE THIS ;___;" line cracked me up, though.) But, if I'm recalling correctly, Kyoko, Haru, I-Pin, and Yamamoto all got sent to the future on purpose, right? Like, they were all kind of snipered with the 10-Year Bazooka IIRC. And anyway, the point of this arc is, now they can't get back to the past. Unless, like, they defeat the Head Fruitcake (TM) of this dimension, Byakuran. Also, kill that little kid that randomly showed up in chapter 13, Irie Shouichi. (Which, poor nerdy little kid. I'm really wondering about him.)

I feel like it's important to note here that future Gokudera looks a lot like a stereotypical mafioso. :D;; Like, his hairstyle and everything. He sure is hot, though. Well, that's only to be expected of Goku-chan, though. ♥

(WHICH, OH MY GOD APPARENTLY NAITO LONGCHAMP IS MISSING IN THIS DIMENSION??? DDDDDDDDDDD: I will be so sad if that crazy little faggot died in the future. Of course, this is perfect potential for Amano-sensei to bust out some sort of, "hay wow check out how awesome this kid got ten years into the future" plot foil which I would LOVE. *glee!*)

So, then there's Lal Mirch, who is apparently dying because of nuclear fallout or something that the Millefiore family is spreading all over the place. O.o Which; hot, sure, but if we're going to go on about like THE HOTTEST CHICK EVER it might as well be Chrome Dokuro. (Future!Bianchi, while not looking too different from normal Bianchi, is still pretty hot, too. I wonder if Gokudera ever got over his barfing trauma when it came to her? LOL)

But anyway, yeah, Chrome gives me a raging hard-on. Not just because she looks ridiculously like a female Mukuro. (Doesn't hurt things.) Like, I runno, it's because she's got this really cute, innocent kind of face, right, and then kind of a smoking body. But not too smoking. Which is the point, because too smoking would have put me off (loli face, big breasts, etc. does not a happy Demi make). I rather like the relationship she and Mukuro seem to have, too. Like, "blah deep spiritual connection" or whatever but I think it's cute that he calls her "my dear Chrome". ♥ Mostly, I'm just glad that there is finally MOAR WIMMIN in this series, because, good God, it was kind of shaping up to be a sausage-fest in the beginning.

(Which, okay, I like hot guys as much as the next girl, but I also like hot girls as much as the next guy, you know? And...well, while I LIKE Haru, and can at least TOLERATE Kyoko, they're definitely not...hot. It sometimes seems like Amano-sensei spends about two seconds apiece drawing each of them when they're in a panel. -__-;; Which, you know, okay, shounen manga-ka generally suck at drawing girls as it is but I KNOW Amano-sensei can draw girls because, uh, CHROME. Lal Mirch ain't bad on the eyes, either.)


Oh, on that subject, adult!Yamamoto...looks just like normal!Yamamoto. O.o I mean, except for the scar. IT WAS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL THEM APART. ;___; Like, when he shows up, I'm all like, "djalfkdas;lfkadsfd Yamamoto got hit with the bazooka, too?!" but oh, oops, I was wrong. Kind of. (That scene made me LOL hardcore.)

Anyway, so, this future world sure is a depressing one, ain't it? Tsuna's dead, most of the Arcabaleno are dead, Yamamoto's happy-go-lucky-sushi-donating dad is dead, and there's, like, nuclear gas or whatever floating around the world killing people. Guh, it's like the Acid Tokyo arc of Tsubasa Chronicle or something.

What I'm REALLY curious about, though, is Shouichi Irie. Like, he seems to be doing all this research for Byakuran, right? But at the same time, he really kind of seems to...I dunno, not LIKE Byakuran, or even kind of be scared of him, or at least that's the impression I got. O.o How the hell did he go from being a random extra in chapter 13 to some bad-ass Mafia guy, anyway? (Though "Shouuuuuuu-chan~~!" never fails to make me giggle. Oh Byakuran you giant fag.) Anyway, so, I thought that maybe he was after the 10-Year Bazooka or something, but it seems like that's not the case?

...This whole future!plot is actually kind of confusing, when I think about it.

I'm intrigued by adult Gokudera's statement, too. That if it weren't for Shouichi, that Byakuran "wouldn't be this way"...hmmmm.

CAN'T BELIEVE MUKURO DIED, THOUGH. D: Or is at least out of commission for a while. Still, Hibari's epic "me against hundreds of guys" bad-assed-ness more than makes up for the lack. (I'm really curious as to why Hibari follows Tsuna in the future. I'm going to assume that it's because Tsuna got mad-ass strong in ten years, but I wonder if it's just that.) His "Hibird" cracks me up, though. Boy that thing got fat. I wonder if it still knows the Nanimori National Anthem.

(ACTUALLY, I'M CONVINCED NOW THAT HIBARI SECRETLY LIKES ANIMALS. Like, he tamed Hibird, and seemed to be able to control Gokudera's cat, and all this other stuff. He probably has a secret soft spot for cute animals, lol. THAT WOULD BE THE GREATEST THING EVER. Considering he hates people so much, wut.)

I'm fairly sure Gokudera is going to pay him back in some epic way, though. At least, he'd better. (I'm staring at you, Amano-sensei.) Damn, this series is making me love practically all the characters. It's been a while since I've felt this way about a series, too. (Last was probably Code Geass, but even then, I disliked most of the female cast 'cept C.C.) Like, KHR has maybe TWO characters I don't like (Kyoko and Gamma, who wouldn't bother me so much if it didn't look like he was going to become a pretty big recurring villain, Y HALO THAR GRIMMJOW). The rest of the cast I'm either ambivalent towards, at least find INTERESTING, or totally absolutely love (GOKUDERA-KUUUUN~)

Which, yeah, despite my love for pretty much all the KHR characters Gokudera still remains my favorite. It perservered even through the Kokuyo Jr. High arc and the Varia arc, which, OH MY GOD FUTURE!BELPHEGOR HAS HAIR THAT LOOKS JUST LIKE POSHEPOCKET FROM FINAL FANTASY UNLIMITED. O.O (Google image search if you a.) don't know what that is, or b.) don't believe me.)

I want to rape future Mukuro, though. (Wonder if his hair is still blue...)

Anyway, so, the latest KHR chapter has Lal Mirch going up against a curly-haired little shota in a witch's hat and a frilly shirt named Ginger Bread. (I shit you not. Just when you thought Amano-sensei's naming schemes couldn't get any more bizarro.) Apparently, this Ginger Bread killed the Colonello of the future, so I'm hoping all of Lal Mirch's EPIC RAAAAAAAAGE will finally let us see some of her as-of-yet-undisplayed battle skills. And I'm sure, of course, that this "Ginger Bread" won't die, either, after he's defeated, and will probably continue to show himself as a recurring face in the future arc mostly just because whenever somebody ridiculously attractive shows their face in this manga Amano-sensei tends to make reasons for them to keep coming back OH WHAT WHO'S THAT STANDING BEHIND ME, COULD THAT BE YOU BELPHEGOR??? (*headdesk* Sorry, I really just don't like him.)

Besides, Amano-sensei has that habit, anyway. Look at Squalo, too. That's why this series is pretty much nothing but hot men, and...babies. (Babyfuck, it's awwwwwwwwwright! /merciless 4chan humor)

It should be noted that future!Ryohei never fails to crack me up. ("I'm going to go rest now...TO THE EXTREME!!!!111" XD) Which, oh, by the way, since future!Yamamoto knows all about the Mafia and works as a hitman for Tsuna and stuff, does that mean that the past Yamamoto is going to find out about the Mafia as a default? I am getting rather tired of his "wow, this roleplay sure is pretty intense and epic *niko*" gag. I mean, I'm convinced that he's known about it all along, but I could be wrong.

Also, hay wow Tsuna do you have any actual REAL allies? O.o I love how about half of his family Guardians are just people who are placing themselves near him so they can kill him someday.

Ooh, ooh, OOH! I almost forgot my favorite part out of this entire future arc.

Eeeeeeeeeee. ♥ Their love is so epic. I was actually kind of wondering when the hell Yamamoto was going to snap and be all like, "STOP BEING SUCH A FAGGOT, GOKUDERA, AND ACCEPT MY PENIS FRIENDSHIP ALREADY >F" mostly because wow, God, there were even a couple of times when *I* was like, "jeez, Gokudera, stop being such a buttmunch already". So the entirety of chapters 150-151 kind of made me squee.

On another Gokudera-character-development spiel, his issues with Bianchi and his family made me "b'awwww". Like, the story of how his mum was killed, and how his family life was kind of shit. I almost can't wait for the Millefiore base infiltration to end, so I can hear the "talk" he said he's going to have with Bianchi when he comes back. I wonder if he'll finally get over his phobia of her? Eeeee, I'm so excited. *__*

Guh, I'm totally enjoying this series like woah.

So, anyway, yeah, my final summary on this entire thing would have to be something like, "GOKUDERA, YOU'D BETTER WIN THE NEXT BATTLE YOU'RE IN OR ELSE YOU'RE NOT MY FAVORITE ANYMORE, BLAAAAH" because goddamn, he just keeps sucking. D: (But we all know I'll still love him anyway, regardless.)

If anybody else is interested in reading this series, I have all the chapters, so just let me know and I'll zip them and Megafuckload them for people or something.

god this series ate my life, pretty bois are pretteh!!!, katekyou hitman reborn!, fufufufufu gokudera-kun

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