I stood atop a mountain today and leered down on the valley folk in contempt, and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Now, any idiot knows I don't have a normal concept of beauty. BUT, standing at a point so high up above that sea of trees and being able to see for a literal 100 miles...was just. :D I took pictures, but pictures don't capture the dizzy! They don't capture the leer!
I weirded out Charlie when I just up and blurted out while looking up at the highest point that: "I dunno...this mountain just comes off as some kind of jackass..."
That was funny. It was ALSO extremely funny to see another hiker group react in an unpleasing manner at the sight of charlie. --insert LOL; penis-- I just don't see it, but APPARENTLY he's intimidating or something. You should have seen the little girl triple-take. But I felt like some kind of awesome climbing the mountain for the first time since I moved here. It's called "Sugarloaf", and I'm taking
m_buggie up there if shes ever in my (red)neck of the woods. I'm not sure she'll be too keen on the slope though I'm built for mountains so they come easy to me ((as long as I'm in shape )), and I figure since she has a smaller version of my build ((think waaaay smaller )), she'd fare okay if she could ditch those smokers lungs.
I can't wait to get my puter back online so I can post all my latest marker-shit for ya'll to gawk at and spit upon. We'll call it a playdate!
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A nightscape of NYC. It's a photo, but it looks like an oil painting. Pretty. And by that I mean ugly and filthy. :D Which is what I like.
Q. How many televisions do you have in your house?
One. 19' HD mountable. That's all I need.
Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Izquierda. ((guess ))
Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Oh where to start? Wisdom toofs, huge splinter #1, ceramic tool, huge splinter #2, rusty barbed wire, huge splinter #3, screwtop, ceramic shards...
Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
52 lb bag of chicken feed.
Q. Have you ever been knocked out?
Nope. Heads too hard. :D
Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
I already have a notion. I do not like having that notion. So hell no. Although it WOULD curb the paranoia...maybe. Shrugness and shucks.
Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
If I HAD to change my name, I would change it to Helga Olga Werbenyeagermanjensen III.
Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
Purple. Though I wear more blacks, grays and cranberrie shades. I dunno, does this matter? If it didn't make me look Hepatic I'd wear more orange.
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item?
Depends on your definition of "non-food". Most people consider grass non-food and thats why they starve in the wild. It's RIGHT there people! Its better than nothing! Gaywads! I have eaten Kaolin clay. And glue, and magnolia flowers. And trumpet flowers. Trumpet flowers taste like mushrooms. And today I ate purple clover. :3 Tastes like Rhubarb.
Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
Sheeott, I'd do it for free. WTFever. Thats silly business.
Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
Fuck no, I need all my digits for playing my instruments. :( I certainly wouldn't give up playing for 200 grand. Thats stupid.
Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000?
Eh, naww. I could make 50k by being a loud-mouth as easily as I could if I quit blogging.
Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
I'm not sure people would WANT to see that. It's questionable whether my flesh is still alive when looked at. O_o
Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Yar. I like spicy shit. Now, heres the legalize---they worded it to where I could drink the bottle of hot sauce a sip at a time and finish it if I wanted. Now, chugging may be a problem, thats unhealthy for the stomach lining---BUT I could if I had to. I have cast-iron for a gut.
Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
...If it were a particular person, yes. This particular person thinks he's immortal and recently got off free for breaking into a womans house and pulverizing her until her face was destroyed and she laid in a puddle of blood five feet across. She has a titanium face now. This happened in my town. This particular person...I would bind him, and I would cut a few deep slits in his torso, and I would do this in a rat-infested cave. I would spotlight him, and I would allow him to be eaten alive. And I am completely serious. You know not how many sadistic fantasies I've had about destroying this person slowly.
Q: What is in your left pocket?
Something for you. Why don't you reach in to my pocket, and see what it is?
Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
I've seen bits. I was never in to it. It lacks the meat, its a weak plot line.You may as well watch a monkey staring at the camera for a half hour straight, picking its ass, and then its nose. Big mistake monkey, big mistake.
Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
Both. I have hardwood somewhere else too. DURR HURR HURR I'M IN UR POOLZ DEE DEE DEEE
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
...I sat in the shower once as a kid and felt like a total jackass alien. I promptly pouted and then stood. Washing ensued soon after.
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
I hate those. I'd prefer going barefoot, and I do. Now, sandals I can RUN in--I'll take em. I have some nifty tie-ons that are greek-style and they rock.
Q: Last person who texted you?
No phone, no text. Hate phone. ugga.
Q: Last person who called you?
mideanfaith! :D
Q: Last person you hugged?
Old fellow at church. =\ I'm paying lip service recently. Really I'm just there for the piano and a chance to twiddle on it. What? At least I'm honest. I don't personally believe you should have faith in something to save your own skin cause you're afraid of consequences otherwise. Thats retarded. God isn't Hitler. I don't think anyways. :O Well, if its an entity more than a single being, then I suppose there could be hitler in there. I'll bet Hitler is in the penis.
Q: Number?
22, 11, 27, 2, 333, 3.1485674....HURR HURR HURRR NERD JOKE
Q: Season?
Autumn. Theres just something insanely pleasant about the smell of floral decay and the sound of the squawking crow murders flocking in from their migrations. That and mold. I love mold.
Q: Color?
Orange and Purple. ((note: I could say black but I'd be mistaken---remember kids, thats a SHADE not a color. ))
Q: Missing someone?
...Always. =( And some of them are completely out of my reach for the rest of my life. u_u GOD I miss 'em.
Q: Mood?
Mellow. But annoyed just a little. I have to get ready for bed so I'll have energy for work in the morning.
Q: Listening to?
Mumbling T.V in the un-living room.
Q: Watching?
House, Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, Simpsons, Springboob Squirepin, other basic cable shows---and plenty of old classics on DVD. I recently got a film noir collection that has a couple of Lon Chaney Sr. classics. GOD what a pimp.
Q: Worrying about?
Health. I'm getting a filling and a root canal next week, hopefully I'll be scot-free of problems for a while afterwards. I'm beginning to suspect I have type 2 diabetes too. No surprise there. It runs in the family and skips generations and my generation is the next target. I'm dry as fuck and if I even touch sugar I get HUGE. Oh well, its just the "force you to be healthy" disease. Kicking the sugar is a bitch though.
Q: Wearing?
black wifebeater, plaid longsleeves, black corduroy pants. ((Manly! ))
Q: First place you went this morning?
Church. :( So boring. So creepy. But if it leads to hiking opportunities---I'll do it.
Q: What can you not wait to do?
Move. I want to fucking move. D: And start art college. ((Speaking of which
mideanfaith? I got my orientation thingy today. Which date should I choose to go for it? I just have to pick a date. ))
Q: Do you smile often?
No, and I really didn't know I looked at all morose and gloomy until someone pointed it out once, so now in public I'm constantly making it a conscious effort to look more...pleasant. It usually only results in a grimace rather than a smile.
Q: Are you a friendly person?
Thats a relative thing. I personally don't consider myself friendly since I'm anxious with cloister-tendencies---but from what I've been told I'm the nicest person on earth---once you get to know me. >_> Personally I consider myself a violent, quick-tempered, dark anti-social bloodspilling bastard.
Quote of the day:"An' that'n there is a piss elm!"~Crazy Cherokee C