WALES the adventure Week 13 & 14

Apr 11, 2011 15:28


Monday & Tuesday: I’m just going to say that I was sucked into a void these two days. Something tells me I was on my computer all day both days and thus that would be why I have no recollection of what happened either day. Anyway, skip ahead to when I found myself out of the void.

Wednesday:  Today I know I spent on the computer. I was still in catch up mode from missing so much during ‘Oh What a Lovely War’. I was also addicted to watching supernatural. At this point I think I’ve seen 70% of the series. Anyway, later that night we ended up heading out to union flirt night which happened to be Wedding themed. I purchased two things of vodka so I could get the cute little veil flower that came with the package. I also got a white ring from the draw. Two people drew gold rings and were married at the end of the night. Over all it was a fun night, but I found it rather like watching a movie. I was extremely detached from the situation, and I found no joy for myself personally. However, it was a good night, and I hold no complaint. At least for the first time I was out of my room and somewhat back into the society around here.

Thursday: Have you ever had one of those moments where all you want to do is cry. I have no particular reason…but I just need a good cry. A really dramatic, heart wrenching, tear duct exhausting, sore throat inspiring cry. Why? Like I said…there is no particular reason. I mean, there are things going on-…and maybe they have something to do with it, but lately every little thing makes me feel sad. I feel oddly inside my head and although I’m experiencing things, it’s as if a large glass wall has been erected between it and me. I suppose it would be because today I got the letter asking us to confirm our flight information for our return to home journeys. Where did the time go?...Where do I even start? Today was the first time in my life I was greatly tempted to delete my facebook page. I feel utterly alone. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t cry…I can’t get rid of them. They sit here and I am stifled into the numb thoughtless cloud that has been enveloping me since I ‘woke up’ about a week ago. Why did I even come here, if I knew - and somehow I did know,…that it would be so damn painful to leave.  Tonight was a preview of a video by the other third years which was really good...then it was open mic night. Aside from winning a game of pool- it was a rather quiet night...... yah....quiet.

Friday: On this day, I went in to perform my monologue for the first time. The first meeting we only ready through them. It was interesting to receive directions from Michael (?), especially since for some odd reason he reminded me greatly of Michael Cain.  That is probably why I am calling him Michael in lew of the face I have forgotten his real name. I told the world I fail at remembering names. So, moving on, the monologue went well and I was excited to perform it because I’ve always wanted to play Abigail Williams from the Crucible. Something about the part appealed to me, so I decided to take the chance for the heck of it. It was as fun as I thought it would be. After that it was time to start stage one of the epic April Fools prank. Most of Non ignores me because im an American and because I don’t really talk much to them. They are just a bit…well loose for my calm and easy nature sometimes and to be honest I find it hard to talk to most people there. Anyway, it was the perfect relationship for me to go completely unnoticed in playing an ultimate dorm wide prank. AND I had an accomplice who did know the building. Sam helped me print out everything and then it was time to go around and post it all. We started with signs that read “closed due to infestation” on all the main entrance doors into the building. We then ran around and tagged half the doors in the building with fake eviction notices.  Both were obviously april fools jokes and the eviction notice even had a cute note with a website listed for people to visit in order to donate to the homeless. We also tagged the bathrooms in C block with out of order signs, also locking the doors which meant I got down and dirty with the disgusting bathroom floors. Oh what I do to pull off my stunts. After that, Alberie, Sam, and I went back to my room and watched Rocky Horror Picture show, leaving the building to deal with the signs. Apparently they took them well since they went around passing them off and posting them on facebook. I was glad I was able to make up for years of not actually celebrating April fools day. Rocky Horror was a fun movie to watch, and it was my first time, so it was doubly interesting to be able to compare that to the Glee version. I spent most the movie confused or laughing. It was not my favorite, but it was definitely entertaining. Besides, there is something wrong if Tim Curry has better legs in heals then I do- slightly jealous.

Saturday: This morning I ACTUALLY got up for the international trip. This was the one I had wanted to attend since the beginning.  Dinefwr Castle and Newton House. Both of them are on the same grounds and are within easy walking distance. I was tired so I think I slept on the bus there, but you know my mind- I forget. After a rather frustrating week dealing with my girlie emotions and spending way too much time in my head, this was a day long vacation that was very much needed. And it was the most beautiful day I think I’ve spent in Wales yet. Oh no! I didn’t sleep on the bus there, I played a stupid word game- and thus I had a head ache when I got to the Newton house. The house itself was gorgeous on the outside, but I’ve seen more entertaining insides before. It was your typical old house on the inside, complete with creep wax figures, oil paintings, wooden stair case, and interactive story boards. I was actually rather interested in the stories behind the house itself. My interest in Welsh Mythology and history has grown exponentially. It’s interesting and mysterious and like all mythology- usually old. Plus it’s full of things I’ve never heard before. I absolutely love every piece I can get my hands on. The outside of the house is Victorian style since it was renovated later, but the building itself actually dates back to the Tudor era and has evidence preserved from every era it has lived through. Sometimes I really wish that my house will one day resemble this one. This trip only affirmed the fact that I was born in the wrong era completely. After exploring the house and basement, complete with a video with re-enactors describing daily life in the house way back when it was still in use as a residency and a room full of beautiful tail coats we reached the gift shop. I was not strong enough to deny myself welsh cakes, and I quickly packed them away for later. Alberie and I then wandered into the café and decided to have something to eat and drink. The guy was super nice, and the room in which you sat for tea was….well…in a nutshell, heaven. The room was spacious, with wood floors and a fire place. It was decorated in a modern fashion however, the fire place and white washed windows with thin panels and shutters took you back into a scene from a regency movie. Outside dark clouded speckled the sky, blue showing through and the sun shining in spots on the vast expanse of fields and woodlands. All this could be seen from inside the tea room, and the quiet perfect morning was filled with the aroma of tea and cakes. It was calming and beautiful. I ordered a simple tomato, basil, and cheese sandwich and Alberie got the spicy carrot apple soup. We both got a pot of tea. Both meals tasted wonderful and I will for sure be getting the recipes for both. The sandwich was warm and flavorful and it hit the spot, while the soup practically melted in your mouth.

All of this combined, and I was almost overwhelmed with euphoria. I think if I ever had a guy propose to me- I would want it to be here. That or it would be a must for a trip. I am definitely returning, hopefully before I go home. I could have sat in that chair forever…writing books and living inside my mind. It was pure bliss. But, we parted ways with the happy moment and trekked it up the steep hill to the castle. This is where it was a plus to have a horse back in the old days- all the castles on hills, it was downright painful. But it was worth the walk. While the view from the café was already gorgeous, the view from the castle was to die for. It was surrounded for miles with green fertile land, sporting a small river on one side. It was so quiet you could hear the sheep and birds clear as day. I’ve decided this is where I want my wedding. It was just to perfect. The landscape, the castle…ugh. It was hard to leave. Speaking of leaving, after Alberie got some sun while waiting for me to finish up being a picture whore, we were late to the bus. We drove back to school and I made it just in time to skype my mother and sister. I would later find out that over spring break my sister used my car- something I was not happy about. Anyway, after that I got ready for Tom Owens birthday party. We had planned to go to Swansea but due to lack of funding it was turned into a town pub crawl. We went to dinner first at some Italian place and I ate two pita bread appetizers. I was attempting to be reasonable for the night, and not drink too much. The first bar, I was rather good but as soon as we reached bar number two, I found myself becoming rather bored and prone to emotion. I had had fun at the first bar with everyone but a lot of them had left and so by the second bar I felt really alone. I was trying to cover it up, although I’m pretty sure it was seeping through. It’s one of those moments where you just want to curl up instead of being where you are. It was also one of those moments you found yourself getting easily pissed off and all you wanted to do was smack yourself for being such a girl. After downing a dirty pint I was feeling the tipsy feeling, and in a bad way it felt good. But I knew that I didn’t feel good. Everyone was headed home and so I too sauntered along. Chit chatting with Simon on the way home was fun, but my mind was elsewhere. Alberie had to chase after me leaving poor Martin to walk home alone. My fault, but like I said…I wasn’t exactly all there.

Sunday: I spent most of this day in doors. Figures….But I did manage to shove myself out of the room for quiz. I had fun watching once again, this time I knew a few of the answers. After wards Alberie and I played a game of pool. It was a rather out of body day…most of the week had been anyway.

Monday: Today was a relatively boring day. Breakfast, a second good rehearsal of my monologue with different people (Ida and Matt Crewe this round), and going to a bake sale hosted by the third years to get money for the Fringe festival. I spent most the day asleep thanks to staying up all night. Why? Well, to be frank, my roommates were having issues back home and I was tired of hearing it from only ONE of the room mates. I was also tired of them thinking that I was completely out of the picture when it is still MY name on the lease and my parents credit on the line. So I waited up until 5am to have a 9pm meeting with them. In the mean time I called my step mom and had a wonderful chat with her. I was really happy to have another girl’s chat with her, since it had been such a long time since I’ve had one with her. It felt nice and it was comforting since I needed someone to talk to. I also went down to get food at one point and let the welsh non partiers as I call them talk to my roommates on skype. They all seemed to have a blast for the 10 minutes I was down there. Thank god for technology. Anyway, we had the meeting and solved the problem- much to me still being out right annoyed. I then decided it might just be better to stay up until breakfast, so I skyped my friend Ryan Koster. It was a great help to skype him and I had a blast with it. I realize I really do miss my guy friends more than I thought.

Tuesday: spent day inside, more sleep. I ate at some point….I really can’t remember much about this day. I think I showered….nope, it’s blank.

Wednesday: Today was the filming of the monologues day. I got up early and did my makeup. It felt good to finally have an appointment to make for once, something to do other then lounge around all day. I really try not to become complaisant. It’s a killer. I was also excited about the day with a small group of people in an even smaller town. I was especially excited for another reason as well. The bus ride was bumpy and claustrophobic and even I got a little motion sick. I definitely got a head ache from the way my neck was turning. I had downloaded a couple new songs for the ride that I had recently been addicted to- mainly the vocaloid song ‘just be friends’. You know that computer software that does the singing and synchronizing of the music for you?  Yah, that one. I listened to it most of the way to Lamperter. The scenery was gorgeous. It was all rolling hills and grass…unfortunately blue sky but I found that it didn’t bother me much. I was subtly given a reminder that I was far away from home, but somehow it felt home enough. We got to Lamperter (literally a street of a town) and we got out at the school. Quickly the filming started and I occupied myself by talking to Nia, Nikki, Tom Owen, Alberie, Bethanne (?- im sorry I fail I know), and Carys(?- again sorry). The conversation was rather interesting but my mind was also busy with the sketchpad I had in my hand. I had a couple of new designs for the characters and I was eager to get them on paper…but I was just eager to draw at all. I found myself sketching people in the class rather than the characters. By the time the first group got back Gareth and a few others had arrived in their own cars to pick up some things. A couple of the first groupers went home with them, leaving the small group of us behind. It was after this that my mood went from quietly content to extremely emotionally pissed off. What was worse was that I was made angrier by the fact that I was getting so mad in the first place. I haven’t been this emotional since freshmen year of high school and if I didn’t know better I would say I was pregnant. I ended up exploring the town in attempts to calm myself down, and for the rest of the day I was in a rather irritable mood. So much so that I went and typed an entire message to a certain someone before deciding better on sending it directly and instead posting it on facebook in hopes he would just er….stumble upon it. After that rant, I felt a little better, and thus I curled up in bed to just lay for a while. Then Caroline contacted me asking if I wanted to go see the movie Sucker Punch earlier. We had planned to see it Thursday, but orange Wednesdays meant cheaper tickets and thus I through my plans for a potentially boring night at the union out the window in favor of a movie I had been dying to see. The movie itself was random beyond belief, but it was extremely entertaining and I am looking forward to cosplaying from it. It was hilarious the amount of jokes that Caroline and I seemed to garner from our time at the cinema. After that we walked back to campus, half way deciding that the stars were just too awe inspiring to ignore. We grabbed some gas and grub and drove out to Llansteffan Beach and sat upon the benches watching the stars. We also saw the spirited away-esc train travel as if surfing across the water around the cliffs. It was breathe taking, and it was probably the best date I’ve ever had. Why is it that I’ve only ever had dates with girls? No, I don’t swing that way, but it does make it rather fun and free for girl chat. Someday I want to go back with a guy. The castle turned off it’s lights at midnight and the beach became more spooky then pretty, so we took that as our cue to leave for home. I was too tired to go to the union at this point, even though I wish now I had.

Thursday: this was the morning that Jeffery (Jefferson) decided it would be  hilarious to introduce us to his parents while we were eating breakfast and looking like a nuclear bomb had just gone off. Usually I don’t mind appearances, but let me just say it was the one day I was too tired to put a bra on before I left- and figures it’s the one day I actually have to appear nice. I was mentally slapping myself for the gesture. After they left, I went back to my room for good internet times. It was time to punch out blogs and make sure the last minute arrangements for my trip were made. Later that night we went to the union, but it was rather dead and even when it did start to heat up, open mic night was cancelled due to lack of an amp. So, because I was hungry and all for following my slightest whims that day, I dragged Alberie out to town to grab myself a Doner Kebab from Milanos. That man must love me by now, I buy so many of those. They are getting close to replacing my love for sandwiches. We had spotted Jeffery on our way and forced him to be the protective man as we ‘kebab crawled’ around town. I threatened to steal the meat sticks and eat my malicious feelings away…alberie claimed that I got caught I was on my own because she didn’t eat meat….Jeffery just excepted the fact he would be questioned as an accomplice anyway. We wandered around Carmarthen trying to amuse ourselves and later found ourselves sitting at the town hall. Some ‘Chaves’ rode past us, looking like a bunch of 12 year old sissys. Of course they tried to speak to us- all they said was ‘Cheesecake’ which of course made us all perk up our heads. After asking where, we immediately burst into laughter. Honestly- HONESTLY….that is the best you got? I suddenly felt like the place I lived was mega dangerous. There was just no way this place could be bad.

Friday:  Slept all day. I got up for breakfast. I got on my computer and caught up with things I was behind on…blah blah blah. There was a party that night in Noakes 3 flat 3 for everyone still around. I was planning on going anyway, but most of the day was spent around the flat. We had been invited to dinner by Jeffery’s parents and although I found this a bit annoying- it would be good to get my mind out of itself. The sun was out and I found myself being a little home sick. So I took my computer outside and began to write the stories I’ve been meaning to start for ages. Caroline caught me and decided to sit next to me to keep me company. I was grateful for it so I shut the computer and chatted with her and Cat (who came up later). After a while we all went to the café, soon after which Cat lost her phone. After an hour she finally got it back, thanks to one of the numerous school tour groups going around that day. After that we all went and got changed and met outside the noakes flats to sun bathe. Not my favorite sport, but I needed company. Otherwise I really would sleep all day. We went to the DP exhibition and I was amazed by the amount of work the DP’s do here. It makes our department back home look inferior. I was eager to snag their cards for later use and I was caught by Hayley doing so. She only laughed at me. But honestly, if our dp’s back home got to do half the things the students here do…we would be graduating masters. After that we sunbathed some more, and then got take away. Then it was time to change up and walk into town to have dinner with Jeffs parents. His parents were really sweet, and super hilarious to be around. Both of them kept us chatting the entire time and we thoroughly enjoyed our New York Italian dinner with them. I was glad to have spicy food in the form of a pizza, but I really wanted Alberies pasta after trying a bite. The meal was complete with ‘the godfather’ ice cream and brownie desert and teasing Jeffery forever about anything and everything embarrassing that has happened to him here at Trinity.  The best part was finding out that there wasn’t that much to tease him about in the first place. After that we went off to the party and I found myself rather bored. So I went into Carolines room and talked with her all night, bringing a small group of the party into her room. Later Caroline slept over at my place in order to get a good night sleep and it was fun to have a sleep over again…I was once again back to feeling complacent.

- <3 Stef.

P.s. Who else was beyond happy to finally see this??

rambling, rant, study abroad, trips, travel

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