A new world ♪

Apr 04, 2013 16:57

Yo yo yo
LJ 久しぶりですね

Its been so long since i've posted something non
downloadable here xD so lets go (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ♪

So I have seen a new light~ I have discovered
a new treasure ♥ The day has finally come hahaha
and here they are (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧[and they are~]

☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ONE OK ROCK .。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆

What can I say but djklfhauilerfaler HOLLY SHIZ!!
This band is freaking amazing, they are perfection
they are just love and good gosh I have fallen so hard for them!!

If you follow me on Twitter than you probably already know this xD
since well I have been flailing over these boys so much for the last
couple of weeks and I can finally say that they are my new
addiction...I mean love ♥

Now this is totally late because some of my lovely friends already liked
them way before me xD so i totally feel late to the party orz
but now its like a whole new world has been opened in front of me!!

And and and and and guess what?! I FINALLY HAVE A BIAS!!!
Yes it finally happen hahaha like my friend Jackie @Twitter said
"finally" lmao

so the impossible finally happen the world will end i tell ya
but I guess now i understand my fellow fangirls that just have
eyes for one guy in a group xD anyways so I can finally say
it...shout it my bias is this guy right here
[*sparkle sparkle*]

Morita Takahiro

I never thought it could be possible to like a group
but only have eyes for one member...but this guy...
this guy is perfection /(T_T)\ I mean he is...I cant
even describe him...I mean he is the most talented guy/artist
I have ever laid my eyes on.

This guy...Taka...he writes/sings ALL the OOR lyrics, he composes music
he plays the piano, guitar and I think drums also!! He is so dwn to earth
he is sweet, dorky, wonderful, talented and just....dghaireulgharle
LOVE HIM. but what completely stole my heart was his lyrics.
Taka has such amazing talent...he IS pure talent. His voice is amazing
he controls it so well, and his English!! I mean he can SING IN PROPER
I have honestly fallen so hard for this guy here xD

But!! of course he is not the only reason why I like them!!! ><
The other members are also love (: Toru, Ryota and Tomoya
are also so talented!!! but if i go and flail over them here i will probably never
end bc I almost kept going on Taka alone lmao orz

Anyways so OOR...this band...I mean they have opened my eyes
they have shown me that there is a world out there other than KT!!
They have showed me that it is still possible for me to actually find ANOTHER
Japanese band just...if not more amazing than KT *hides* ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
I mean...ugh!! For the pass 4yrs no other band has called my full attention
I mean yes I listen to other groups!! But i mean i just listen to them
but I dnt follow them head on...but OOR they are so addictive they are something
completely new!! They have honestly taken my heart...

At first i though i wasn't going to be so much into them i though that
I was going to like one song and then be done but I watched/heard
Be the light...then The Beginning and then another song and then
another and another by the 4th PV I knew they were going to have
my attention and now...I love them (╥﹏╥)v
I have reached a point where I have decided to support them head on!!
and if you know me you know that's not like me xD i've said it a thousand
times KT owns my wallet they are the only group I am willing to
spend my money for no matter the price!! But now...honestly
i feel like OOR deserves that treatment also...their talent deserves
to be supported!! So that's what I will do (: come their next release
I am going to be there to support them ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ but also since
they are a group that doesnt have a lot of releases~ I will start collecting
their pass releases ლ(╹◡╹ლ) so with this post I welcome
a new light into my life lol *dramatic*

It's been 4yrs since I was alone in a fandom its weird...
bc I mean in the KT fandom I have so many wonderful friends!!!
Having to make new ones...its scary to be honest (´_`)
So I hope that I will be able to meet new ppl, that I will be able
to flail with other fangirls that feel the same way
I do about this band.

With that said I shall end this long long long post xD
*takes deep breath*
May this fandom bring many many many joys!!
Many new memories and new friendships ♥

rambling, one ok rock, about me

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