
Apr 16, 2020 23:56

Hello like it says my Journal is pretty much
F-locked ^^" so before I add you please comment if you want to be added.
Tell me how I should call you, tell me something about yourself etc etc (:

Also please DON'T just add me to get a specific post (-_-;)\
If I will add you its so that we can fangirl and not to just
increase the number of ppl i'm friends with /:
So remember~
no comment no add back~

PS: Sorry if i take a while to reply but with work and school
life gets super busy at points T____T
But I will add you back as soon as possible though!! (:

Since I plurging my F-list 
If u have a pretty much have an empty or almost empty LJ
please dnt add me, sorry ne new rule!! m(_ _)m 
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