[Translation] Acid Black Cherry--君がいない、あの日から

Aug 17, 2015 22:59

This is another translation I did eons ago and never posted, apparently, so I'm just copy-pasting the relevant bits.

Which on the one hand I suppose is a good thing because I can tie it in more with the album A BIT, but in the end this is clearly a song about someone who has lost someone they love in the wake of the tsunami following the Great Tohoku Earthquake. Ever since the single came out, yasu has spoken about how one day he was watching television coverage about people who had gone missing, and when they cut to one of the washed-out bedrooms, there was still an Acid Black Cherry poster hanging on the wall…and the rest, as they say, is history.

I used the word ‘torches’ in one of the lines to invoke two images; one of the flashlights of search parties going out (even though our protagonist has never given up, even though he knows she is ‘in the quiet sea’) and as a call to when the lanterns on the rivers honoring the dead at Obon are extinguished; he truly does at this point believe this person dead, and if alive their meeting would be truly fate, or in the next life.

君がいない、あの日から・・・ ずっと ずっと さがしてる
消えかけた灯火が哀しくて 目をそらした
ねぇ 君は今どこにいるの?

月夜の静けさ 君をただ想う
逢いたい それだけ ただそれだけを

覚えているかなぁ? 海へ星を見に行ったよね
「ほら 掴めそう」って 手を伸ばした君

今夜の星も ほら 届きそう
君がしたみたいに手を空へ そっと 伸ばしてみた
流れおちた 星がひとつ 消え散って 涙おちた
ねぇ 君は今どこにいるの?
静かな海 また涙

月夜の静けさ 君をただ想う
うつむく 三日月 揺らめく 幻影(シルエット)

寂しくはないかい? 一人震えていやしないかい?
君の好きな季節が また過ぎて行く

君がいない、あの日から・・・ ずっと ずっと さがしてる
指切りしたじゃないか 「星空をまた見に行こう」って
ねぇ 君は今どこにいるの?

月夜の静けさ 君をただ想う

Since the Day You’ve Been Gone…

Can you hear it?
My voice calling your name
Since the day you’ve been gone…I’ve always, always been searching for you
As the torches flickered out it was so sad I had to look away
Hey, where are you now?
I only have one thought on my mind
I want to see you again

In the still of the night when the moon is high I think of you alone
I want to see you again, that’s all I think, that’s all I know

I wonder if you remember that day? When we went to the sea to look up at the stars
How you reached your hand toward them saying ‘Look, you can almost touch them’

They’re so beautiful
The stars tonight, look, it’s like I can almost reach them again
And just like you did, I slowly tried to reach my hand to the sky
Just as a falling star fell and vanished away, my tears fell with it
Hey, where are you now?
The quiet sea, and I’m crying again

In the still of the night when the moon is high I think of you alone
Looking down in shame, the crescent moon is a wavering silhouette

You aren’t lonely, are you? You’re not shivering in fear out there alone, right?
The season you loved the most has come and gone again

Can you hear it?
My voice calling your name
Since the day you’ve been gone…I’ve always, always been searching for you
We pinky-promised, didn’t we, that we’d go see the stars again
So, where are you now?
I only have one thought on my mind
I want to see you again

In the still of the night when the moon is high I think of you alone

acid black cherry translations

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