I actually did this translation a while back and forgot to post it here, so this is a copy-paste job from my
Tumblr. So, in case any of you missed it, or the site explodes, here it is again.
That’s right, graphic D/s shit under the cut, I know you’re here for this YOU ANIMALS.
As ever, yasu’s use of kanji to make this so blatantly sexual is pretty damned obvious, so my translation makes things pretty obvious too (I like that more than including pages of translation notes anyway). But, fair warning to people who I know use my translations at times to learn Japanese! This is NOT the best song for that, because English kind of forces me to make the implications of some lines much more graphic-and a lot of them are based off of yasu’s particular brand of sexual imagery (扉を開いて, for example, even though it translates straight as opening a gate or door, has always been used ever since the JDA days to invoke a woman spreading her legs, and obviously in this song it works, so that is what I went with). You may recognize similar lines like the 私の中で生かせて from JDA’s 飢えた太陽; this line is particularly filthy because he actually puts the kanji 仕舞う for しまう which he had not done previously to really hammer it in from his previous comparison of sex to dancing to say HEY THIS IS A REALLY SEXUAL LINE GUYS. There’s a lot of that in this.
Knowing that the whole pop-culture S&M thing is super popular these days, I am sure kind of made a few people go ‘oh god not again’ when just the title was out… We can go on and on all day how screwed up it is that there is a thread in the story about L being abused (tropes that need to be stopped #31, the idea that sexual masochism is caused by previous abuse/as an answer to self harm, please), but if we just look at it as one person’s experience, I do agree with the idea that (most) submissives do identify as extensions of their dominants sexually, and it is a comfort to know that to them, no one can do it quite like you can; and there’s something about that very focused tableau that makes it almost comfortable for people (like me, frankly) who are of a certain type-it’s comforting to know that if you’re told to do something, and you try to do it, you’ll be rewarded for even just the effort in a tangible way. It’s not something that happens often these days. It’s a simplified version of that, but still has a lot more depth than 'baby whips and chains excite me because I’m all sexual and shit look at what a bad girl I am’.
Christ that got long. If you’re still here, lyrics below!
泣いてばっか 痛いよちょっと
だけど たまに優しいんだって
ろくでなしでエスなアイツには 私がいなきゃいけない
I’m happy 蹴られても
Though here’s hell 誰がなんて言おうと 私はあなたを見捨てはしない
どうせだって 痛みなんて一瞬で
何度もくり返していれば 次第に愛に見えてくる
I’m happy 目を閉じて
Though here’s hell あなたの好きな場所だったら 私はなんでも知ってるわ
さぁ天国へ行こう 私が連れてってあげる
sexと踊り 脳を貫いて 夜をまとえば
ほらエストエムが 入れ代わって 快楽の先 迷路
殻を破り 灰になるまで まだ突き上げて
私以外 誰があなたを救えるの?
ほら声を出して 私の名前を
壊れたっていいの 私じゃなきゃアイツは生けない
I’m happy 助からない
Though here’s hell その少し手前で見えるあの痛みが そうたまらない
さぁ天国へ行こう 扉開いてみようか
sexと踊り 脳を貫いて 感じるままに
踊り疲れて 灰になるなら それでも構わない
「愛してる」とか言わなくていい 名前だけ呼んで
目で語りかけて そう それだけでいい
痛くてもいい “愛” は感じればいい
そんな顔しないで おいていけないじゃない
さぁ天国へ行こう 隠し持った本能を暴いて曝け出せ
sexと踊り 脳を貫いて 夜をまとえば
またエストエムが 絡まり合い 快楽の先 迷路
あなたを今 私の中で 生かせて 仕舞いたい
私以外 誰があなたを救えるの?
ほら声を出して 私の名前を
I don’t really care for that pain that brings tears to your eyes
But I’m telling you that sometimes it can be kind
It’s because I’m good for nothing that my sadist needs me
I’m happy even if I protest
Though here’s hell no matter what anyone says I won’t abandon you
The pain only lasts a moment anyway
And it’s so close to getting there
The more I do it the closer I get to seeing the love in it
I’m happy, close your eyes
Though here’s hell I know everything there is to know about pleasuring you
So, let’s go to heaven together, I’ll let you come with me
Sex and dancing penetrate the mind if you wear the night on your sleeve
See, if the sadist and the masochist treat one another it’s a labyrinth that leads to pleasure
Freeing you from your shell, letting you use me, break me, until I burn to ashes
Who but me do you think will save you?
Now, let me hear you call my name
Tie the knots tighter still
Until I think I will shatter into pieces
I don’t mind being broken, after all, he can’t live without me
I’m happy you can’t save me
Though here’s hell the pain I can see just ahead is what I can’t get enough of
So, let’s go to heaven together, shall we spread me open?
Sex and dancing penetrate the mind with the feelings of the moment
I don’t care if I tire of dancing as long as I burn to ashes
You don’t have to say you love me, just call my name
Yes, even if it’s only with your eyes
It doesn’t matter if you hurt me as long as I feel “love”
Don’t look at me like that, you can’t really leave me behind, I know
So, let’s go to heaven together, and expose those instincts you’ve hidden away, confess them all to me
Sex and dancing penetrate the mind if you wear the night on your sleeve
See, if the sadist and the masochist treat one another it’s a labyrinth that leads to pleasure
I want you now inside of me, completely alive then finishing yourself in me
Who but me do you think will save you?
Now, let me hear you call my name