So, this week has been horrible.
Tuesday, on my way home from work, I took the train as always--but it was late. To make up lost time, the conductor literally gave you like 2 seconds to grasp on to something before the train started moving--I didn't make it, and trying to catch myself, I hurt my knee.
Stayed home for two days, then thought I needed to show my face at work seeing as I am still on probation (no sick days) and would really like to keep my job.
On the way home? Knee gives out from under me, excruciating pain, had to call the ambulance and have people staring at me as I screamed my goddamned head off because oh my god that was the most painful experience of my life.
Spent the night in the ER where they helpfully told me to be quiet for an hour and a half-two hours until they finally reset the knee I fucking dislocated.
So after about 36 hours of painful muscle spasms, they've finally stopped, but I have to stay off of it for something like three, I just hope that my team leader is right and with the documentation from the ER I should still have my job at the end of this.
hideincarnate has thankfully been staying at my place since Monday, and she has been a saint in helping me out with so many things while I've been immobile and tried to not get too pissed when I would be screaming in pain in the middle of the night...but yeah.
I know I owe people email and such, but...things are still kind of iffy as to how long I can comfortably type (I have to sit sidesaddle in my chair because of my brace) so.
As a recommendation I would highly recommend against this, especially since Japan seems to feel that not-even-OTC strength ibuprofen is more than enough pain medication to help get through. I bet you'd get the sweet drugs in the US, though I would still not try dislocating your knee. I've had foot surgery, broken my nose and six toes, and my wrist in three places--and this ranks at #2 on my list of "most painful things that have ever happened to me". So, yeah, don't do this, kids.
So, that's where I've been. How about you guys?