Tagged in a meme, funsies. Also using this opportunity to spam my Beast icon I made a few nights ago~
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 5 people to be tagged. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
- I have never dyed my hair before. I've always wanted to but uh, my mom thinks that it'll ruin my liver or something `_____`
- Absolute no tolerance of alcohol. I perish after two girly fruity drinks lololol. And then I get really hyper.
- I don't think I can survive without rice
- In elementary school, I thought it'd be cool and grown-up to try to find one of my boy classmates to crush on every year. I actually kept it up all the way until the 7th grade with a brief break in the 2nd grade.
- While driving can be relaxing to some, I get really antsy and nervous when I drive. I feel like I'm going to die
- My stuffed animals and pillows take up about 80% of my bed. The other 10% are textbooks
- When we went to LA and got lost in the Fashion District, gatsbie and I bought couple key necklaces. She's has the girlier looking one and I have the uh, less decorative one. And somehow she became the Key to my Amber.
- I love to crochet but never have the time to
- I am dreadfully slow in getting drawings/fic out. ....
- Actually I'm pretty slow in finishing most things...dramas, books, homework... sobbing.
- My cousin Alex hit me in the face with a frisbee when I was really young. I have a faint mark in between my eyes because of him.
- 2:30 am always seems to be my snack time ;\
- Even though I'm clumsy and fall/trip over something at least once a month, I'm really good at balancing things on my head. I once won a dvd player for balancing a book the longest
- I've never dated before. Whenever people try to set me up I act polite about it but inwardly go "omg what do i doooo." Truthfully I'm kind of scared and nervous of relationships >>;
I'm a follower, and I'm running out of things to ramble about. So opening the floor up to questions for 16 - 25
16. how is the relationship to your dad and mom respectively? like in terms of closeness/understanding etc.
I'm really close to my parent. As for understanding...my dad is more understanding than my mom, who is super stubborn about everything.
my mom and i have a close relationship, we think similarly, but i'm a lot less outspoken than she is. i love her dearly but i gotta say at times i wish she wouldn't be so honest and blunt about her opinions. she feels the need to say exactly what she thinks of you, your hair, your life, and your clothes...all in one go. at times it can be helpful, but it only makes me cry when i'm already feeling upset. and then she makes fun of me for being weak. she's really stubborn, so when i call her out on her bs she doesn't take it too well lol. it takes her a while to understand why anyone will disagree with her >>; it's mostly me that disagrees, my brothers and my dad are too lazy.
i know she and my dad always be there for me but my mom really overprotective. lately we've been fighting more and more because i don't think it's necessary for her to call me every night to "check in" and i've been pushing back traveling outside of the states because she wants to chaperon me. ffs i'm 22. i'm not the smartest or most alert person, but i think i can manage a few days in idk, Japan with my friends/classmates.
my dad is a doormat to my mom. she picks on him and he ignores her for the most part lol. i've very rarely heard him stand up to her but i appreciate it when he does. my dad and i kind of treat each other fairly, he's casual around me, i lightly poke fun of him for failing at th internet... he's not touchy feely at all, but he finds his own ways of showing he cares, and that's all i need. he's quiet, but when you actually get him interested he's really articulate and we have great conversations about philisophy, politics, and world news.
well that was tl;dr haha.
Uh...who hasn't gotten tagged yet... I tag
hitsujiga tsukipon (I will make you update more hurr hurr hurr)
placetohide kanginese and
ponyboy Um. I got back my finance exam today. The one I took last Wednesday and spent hours upon hours cramming in information. Yeah. Still failed. The first exam, I barely wrote anything (because I didn't know what I was doing) and got a terrible score. This one I really tried (dude I spent a good three days cramming) and I and actually felt hopeful about it afterward. Nope still failed. All that extra work for eight more points. What in the bloody hell.
I hate everything. The hardest thing to do was trying not to cry in class.