30 day meme - day 05

Jan 14, 2011 07:23

day 01 - introduce yourself
day 02 - your first love
day 03 - your parents
day 04 - what you ate today
day 05 - your definition of love
day 06 - your day
day 07 - your best friend
day 08 - a moment
day 09 - your beliefs
day 10 - what you wore today
day 11 - your siblings
day 12 - what's in your bag
day 13 - this week
day 14 - what you wore today
day 15 - your dreams
day 16 - your first kiss
day 17 - your favorite memory
day 18 - your favorite birthday
day 19 - something you regret
day 20 - this month
day 21 - another moment
day 22 - something that upsets you
day 23 - something that makes you feel better
day 24 - something that makes you cry
day 25 - a first
day 26 - your fears
day 27 - your favorite place
day 28 - something that you miss
day 29 - your aspirations
day 30 - one last moment

day 05 - your definition of love
I believe love comes in many forms. Love can be the rush of happiness you get from eating your favorite food or hearing your favorite song on the radio. Love can be the thrill of traveling to new places or reading a book you just can't put down. Love for a person, however, is so complicated yet simple.

But for me, it boils down to a few ideas. Love is being able to take in everything someone has to offer---flaws included. Love is built on trust, honesty, loyalty and respect. Love is sometimes being the bad cop and fighting. Love is recognizing flaws and growing beyond them. Being in love, one is both selfless and entirely selfish. Love is being able to give your heart to someone else and hope that they treasure it as much as you treasure theirs.


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No seriously, this performance, SO GOOD. I think my gushy fangirl heart just imploded. From 1:55 to 2:40. Oh. My. God. Jonghyun, you derpy fool, you are perfect in this performance. Onew you are always perfect. Key, I have never been this impressed with you. YOU SHOULD SING MORE BALLADS! Though, Minho and Taemin were essentially useless here lol >>;;

I think my major beef with SHINee nowadays is how their singing parts are arranged/distributed. Back then, Shinee almost NEVER had any bad lives. Their vocals were almost always good and their dancing was top notch. This was true for most of their Amigo, LLO, Replay and even performances of Juliet. They'd get out of breath from running around doing their choreo, but their voices wouldn't die/crack.

However, ever since Lucifer (actually I noticed this in RDD too) songwriters keep on writing in crazy long note after crazy long note. While it is impressive, it's really hard on a voice. Not to mention they sound like they are shouting in instead of singing at times. You don't need loud vocal gymnastics to show that you are a good singer ffs. Jonghyun (and sometimes Onew) sounds like he's dying during some Lucifer performances. And they can never do Obsession outside of concerts because it's basically 85% Jjong wailing. Give a line to Key or something, good grief.

Edit: Look what I found! Romantic performance from their January concerts

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He still has it ♥ 1:55 to 2:55. See how well he sings when given a song without crazy vocal gymnastics? We know they can sing, stop giving them music that requires them to scream their notes.
I like how my ramble about Shinee was 3x longer than my feelings on love.

Well yesterday I demonstrated how I'm a terrible student. I had an hour before class and decided to go nap in the library. My class started at 3:30 and I woke up at 5:00 WHEN THE CLASS WAS BASICALLY OVER *throws self out the window*

To make it worse, I ran into my professor on the way back home. We had a conversation. Wow, awkward, can I not.
This was how I was feeling on the inside:

fail, fangirling? fangirling!, 30daymeme, shinee, college

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