day 01 - introduce yourself
day 02 - your first love
day 03 - your parents
day 04 - what you ate today
day 05 - your definition of love
day 06 - your day
day 07 - your best friend
day 08 - a moment
day 09 - your beliefs
day 10 - what you wore today
day 11 - your siblings
day 12 - what's in your bag
day 13 - this week
day 14 - what you wore today
day 15 - your dreams
day 16 - your first kiss
day 17 - your favorite memory
day 18 - your favorite birthday
day 19 - something you regret
day 20 - this month
day 21 - another moment
day 22 - something that upsets you
day 23 - something that makes you feel better
day 24 - something that makes you cry
day 25 - a first
day 26 - your fears
day 27 - your favorite place
day 28 - something that you miss
day 29 - your aspirations
day 30 - one last moment
So I forgot a day OTL
day 03 - your parents
My parents are your very typical Asian parents. My mother is a stay at home mom and she was born in Guangzhou, China. My dad is a letter carrier for the Post office and hails from Portland, OR. Growing up, they always chanted to "Do well in school, go to a good college, get amazing grades and then marry some rich Chinese boy." It was a stupid mantra I heard almost on a daily basis.
I cannot say that they aren't loving and doting parents---they've done so much and supported me all these years, despite my grand failures at life. They work hard to provide for me and my brothers. We grew up on delicious food, a warm house, and plenty of attention dedicated to our needs.
For the most part my mom was the main enforcer of good behavior. The thought of even dating, trying out for a sport, or even something simple as attend a sleepover was a foreign concept. Nagging is her specialty---and she is a master at it. I don't know how she does it (or how I was able to live with it for so long lol), but whenever I go home for any amount of time, an endless stream of complaints, nags, and sometimes cutting remarks fly out of her mouth. Most of what she rambles about is borderline ridiculous such as "when your friends want to go drinking, decline and tell them that your mom told you not to go" or "you should check your closet for any serial killers. mommy can't protect you if you're in seattle"
But, she's secretly a softy underneath that loud boisterous armor. Even though her mouth may be racing a mile-a-minute, criticizing how silly I look or how ildiotic I can be, her hands are working even quicker in preparing delicious soups and my favorite foods. Also, lately, before hanging up, she quickly puts in a few words of how proud she is of me. I genuinely do tear up when she tells me that because well, it feels like I did something right for a change, that I am not a failure. .
If my mom is the noisy bad cop, then my dad is the quiet good cop? Or the quiet lazy deputy or something.For the most part, he let's my mom do all the disciplining and nagging and only steps in every so often. He mostly prattles on about trivial things such as wrestling an sports. Sometimes, I wish he was more active, because there are times where my mom says something particularly hurtful on a day where I could not tolerate her...but oh well.
Oddly enough, he's great for advice about school and work-related things, if you ask. Everything related to mushy feelings, he fails pretty badly at lol. However, before I left for college, he wrote a letter on my old removable hard drive. It was a really well-written, touching letter about how proud he is of my accomplishments and how he knows that I will do well because I'm a good kid. It was a really lovely letter, and it upsets me to this day how stupid I was to not save a separate copy somewhere. He shows his affection quietly.
lol even though I complain about them frequently, I do love my parents very much. They've done a lot for me, and I don't know how I can even begin to compare.
day 04 - what you ate today
What an odd question. Well okay.
Breakfast: slice of Tiramisu (unhealthy, I know)
Mid-morning snack - chocopie (more sugarrrr)
Lunch - Oven-baked spaghetti (so delicious) and hot cider
Dinner -
Oden and mochi made by the awesome
retrodreamer (OMG SO GOOD.)
Midnight snack - bowl of Cherrios lmao
I need to eat healthier :(
Hm, in other words, the textbook that I express ordered off of Amazon turned out to be the wrong one, and the seller doesn't even have any more copies left! The seller, idk wasn't exactly the most welcoming either, "Dear Customer", it would have looked less cold if you could have, idk addressed me ;\ butthurt
So after that whole song and dance, I decided to buy it off my friend's boyfriend. I was originally supposed to borrow it from him, until he was an ass and wouldn't let me or something. Baww people. And omg my finance class, I feel like I'm going to die around exam week lol.
And there's also Mr. Hong Kong matchmaker, which is probably a bust since the fool is not even attempting to contact me, even to say "No I"m not interested." Rude.