hibernation mode--activate!

Nov 29, 2010 09:33

So I realized today that finals are in two weeks and that I have a 20 page group research paper due sometime next week. I still don't know what to do with my part because I was never really partitioned a role--just the "filler" pages for the others. That and I am dreadfully behind in class reading---I'm talking about a good eight chapters of doom. omfg.

Thanksgiving Weekend was not good to me, academics wise.  In other words, I got nothing done when I went home for five days .______.

I stay in my room to get some work done--parents whine that I need to be downstairs to "bond" with the family. Every time I'm on the computer or opening my book, mother tells me to be productive and help her housework. Nevermind my two younger brothers who are idk, playing video games. My dad, brothers, mom have the volume up so high for music/tv/talking on the phone that I couldn't even hear myself think at times. How I was ever able to get anything done with my family of noisemakers is beyond me. That and also my mother was determined to feed me on the hour every hour and then complain about how chubby I am or just like, bother me in general. >>;  Also my attention span is like, nonexistent nowadays sobsobsob

Also black Friday shopping, five hour drives between states, and SM the Ballad's grand entrance did not help me at all.

Thus I'm going to go into hiding until my finals are over. Which is around the 16th of December. I'll lurk around, but I'll be refraining from commenting. If you see me comment, please, idk beat me with a stick or something.

I'll be online though, msn messenger. So if you want to add to say hi or inform me of something of utmost importance (such as idk Hot Times PV or world news that is kind of important to stay on top of). Feel free to add: Hikari888@msn.com to your msn list.

I'm usually too shy to add others but I'm open to adds. ....I have cute animated emotions at least? And spazzy icons? :D?

sweet sweet music, cry moar, family, panic, college

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