5am PSA: fml today is going to suck

Feb 08, 2010 05:00

I feel more opinionated these days regarding fandom and other tidbits that are not related to RL. That's not good. D:

Because now I am thinking of possibly making another journal to store any crappy art that I might upload, icons, and any ramblings I have towards things not related to RL (mostly about music 8D) If I am really in the mood I might even upload some writing/drabbles. Forecasts predict  heavy showers about music and a rarer than Mew drabble sighting lol.

So the question is, would it be something that others (and you) find interesting? Would others follow the mundane ramblings of a procrastinating college student? Should I just create a filter on this journal to make life easier to manage?!

In other news, my university and FAFSA thought I was lying on my residency application and were ready to fine me. Long story short, the FAFSA failed to send my new application after my residency status changed and sent my old applications with my Oregon residency status instead. I talked with an official, gave my sweet-girl-I-don't-be-mean-to-me-crycry expression and they apologized for wasting my time and went to fix things with FAFSA. And now everything is good to go. YUSSS

I changed up my lj layout the other day and I just remembered to announce it 8D
Checks it out! It's like the most awesome layout I've ever seen ♥

kiku_cha8_8 kiku_cha8_8 kiku_cha8_8 :DDDD

In bad news, I'm sick with the worst cold ever. I can't sleeeepp, I can't breaaaathhee D:

residency, fandom, uw, life, layout, i write too much, health

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