College girls, bringing the drama since the dawn of time.

Mar 03, 2009 23:49

Yay, update!

My job has been pwning me so hard lately that I hardly have time to eat, or sleep. I still study as much as I can per night (which ultimately isn't much because my brain is fried after looking at accounts all day) and I am not in the mood to look at MORE numbers (oh accounting how I hate thee). But I mostly spend my evenings, when I'm not studying, lazying in my room watching movies. Not that great I know, but weekends are what keep me sane.

Things that are new in my life:
  • A: One of my friends decided that she has no motivation in her life. Mind you this girl is from a well to do family. So she has decided to go into isolation to hopefully save her grades for the next four or so months, graduate and then move to Japan to become a permanent part time worker. That or basically live on her own somewhere so she becomes use to the 'hard life'.  Yeah, what a waste.
  • Another friend (B) is having boyfriend troubles. He stayed with her for about a month and half. Anyways, they decided to take some compromising photos, and store it on his computer so that he has something to remember her by when he is studying abroad. B has second thoughts and wants to delete the pictures. He deletes them, but secretly moves them to a password secured hard drive. B finds out, they have a huge fight and now she's not speaking to him for months until she can trust him again because he lied to her.
  • C, has been rather cool to me since the movie incident has been okay for the past two months and I've been helping her in her Business Communication class because English is not her forte. Next quarter I'm taking the same class and ask if I could use books. After 15 minutes of dodging an answer (oh you won't need it so there's no need, you can download it, lol the frat boys are so noisy) I finally slip in a "you just want to get your money don'tcha? lol" and she finally gives an affirmative. It's not like the school is discontinung the book, it's going to be used for another year at least. Thanks for being stingy Ms. I-got-a-full-ride-scholarship-so-textbooks-are-free-lol. It's not like you can get any money for the book. School bookstore gives you a quarter of the cost if you're lucky.
  • D, I haven't talked to in about a month. The last time we chatted, we talked about Korean music because I've been getting into it lately. Being Korean herself and clueless, she asks which ones I like. I show her (Big Bang, Epic High, Brown Eyed Girls) and she proceeds to stare stonily at each and every youtube video and makes fun of it. (oh god when the guy starts singing, I just roll my eyes at his stupid song, this girl sounds so naselly, this is considered good? What is bad? lol) Well...the only thing we agreed about that night was that this one guy sucked at dancing. But I told her it's because he's known for his voice and is considered one of the absolute best ballad singers out there. She shook her head and laughed. After not finding one artist she liked (heck I even showed her Loveholic and Clazziquai, everyone loves them!). I just started listing off genres to spark some interest, all negatives. By then I was confused (hypocrite), but I left it at that and bid her goodnight because it was late. Next couple of days later I received an email from C (she's roommates with D) that D thinks I'm mad at her becauseD thinks that she made fun of my music. I told her that it was nothing (because others have bashed before and even though it can be frustrating, I was more confused in her case) and that I'm not mad at her. I've made several attempts to talk/chat/message to show that I have no hard feelings....but she's still avoiding me. wtf?
  • My mother, has a buddy who is a psychic in China. It's pretty hilarious what kinds of fortunes I am given. Fortune this year: beware of suitors. Your daughter will have many. Tell her to focus on her education and to not give in to their sweet words of temptation. LOL. Well, I told my mom tonight that I won't give into these so called suitors, but I hope that will be hot  ;-) So far I haven't seen none. LIAR! lol
  • I missed my friends E and F, the most normal/stable of the bunch. E is back in Hawaii (you know who you are!) and F is studying abroad. :(
I really hate this year because I am constantly working. I love what I am doing now, but I miss interacting with people in class and forging friendships. My circle of close friends has really shrunk this year because I don't see a lot of them. And often I am lonely at home. But in three more months, I should be able to apply for residency and get cheap tution. Ah so close. Nancy, jia you!

washington, life, fail, friends, college

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