Sigh, fandom stop being stupid.

Oct 19, 2008 17:47

....What is the point of a post wants to discuss a topic that has already been discussed before, to the death, and the poster knows it?

So now the poster is on the defense "I get that this has been posted before. You don't have to comment just to say that. Cause it's getting repetative and annoying now. Comment if you have something to say about the song" What can I say if I do decide to comment? "yeah, the songs are similar but are different ^____^"?

It's nice to sometimes have repetitive posts because people are not on fandom 24/7, but what if the topic has already been thouroughly discussed twice in the past three weeks? And, what if the info is all readily available by the ever so useful Wikipedia?? I don't know.

Speaking of wikipedia, I really wish some fans would actually DO some research before posting. Good god. It bugs me sometimes when fans randomly post and ask basic information. The info is readily available in the community's memories, wikipedia, and the even more useful google. I wonder how some of these people will ever function in higher education/work. "So what is our professor's name again? I know you're busy and have a project due in five minutes but please tell me because I'm incapable of checking myself" Sigh

Another fun post that I've seen around is how does ____ eat? Do they hold a fork like this? Or like this? Do you think they would like someone feeding them instead? Er... >>;;

I think the post that wins the most is whether or not ____ is a virgin anymore and where they could have possibly lost it and with whom. WTF, you don't need to know that. XD Too bad the last two posts have been deleted....

stupid people make me sad, lol, fandom, wtf?

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