Why must my life be this way....

Oct 14, 2008 22:29

So, I had a great two days, Friday and Sat with my family who I have dearly missed all summer. For the Win. We hung out with my aunt and cousin and had good bonding time. :D

Bu then reality, evil reality kicks in again. I studied like mad all throughout Sun and Mon for my accounting exam today....and~~it turns out that I still didn't do so hot. I might have scrounged up a 80% and higher on it, but I really was expecting more with the amount of sleep I lost for it. :/ My life....I ended up not knowing the name of the concepts, but knew how to solve and work with them. Sigh. That and I made stupid errors. Why must I be such a failure.

And then, while during the test, some moron kept on calling me. I panicked because I forgot to set my phone to silent/vibrate and I really didn't want my professor to disqualify my test. Luckily he didn't care, but the fool kept on calling even when I set my phone on vibrate. So I had it vibrating in my jacket for about a good 10 min. >>;;

And it turns out that the moron who called was a representative from the Global Business Center who wanted to schedule an interview with me. About three weeks ago, I sent out my resume to them about a student assistant who helps plan events. It sounded reaaaallly easy with good pay, so I thought, what the heck why not. Kathleen/Kathy/Cassie was her name (she mumbled so much I couldn't tell what she was trying to say). I called her after class while waiting for my bus and she basically bullied me into scheduling for an appointment during the minimal time I have between work and class (30 min) to interview with her. The gist of our first conversation:

K: So, can you come in, like right now to interview? Or sometime today?
Me: Actually, I'm at the bus stop. I have to get to work....and I have a really full day today...can we possibly reschedule it tomorrow or some other day this week?
K: Why can't you come in today? What do you have to do today?
Me: Um. I have work until 2:30, then I have class until 3:30....and then I want to attend the Career Fair until 6.
K: Come in at 2:45
Me: Er. it takes me an half hour to get back to campus...
K: Okay 3:30 it is then. ::hangs up::
Me: ::stares at phone in a confused way:: I DID NOT AGREE LADY! WHY CAN'T WE SCHEDULE IT TOMORROW?!

So while at work, something kept on bugging me. It didn't hit me that I had another class at 3:30. I totally thought it was Mon. I tried calling her back to reschedule it for later but she never picked up. So I get off at work, practially kill myself trying to get to the bus stop so I can catch it without being late. Get there, and tried leaving her a voicemail. It was super noisy near the bus stop, so I stepped about four feet away so I can listen to see when to leave the message. Due to my wonderful luck, my bus decides to come and when I run back to let the bus driver know I'm there, she looks at me and drives off. I was standing at the bus for about a good 10 seconds, where she had enough time to see and stop for me and she drove off. I leave a lame message on K's answering machine (including a looong pause when the bus driver and I stared at each other) and sit at the bus stop pissed off.

K calls me back five seconds later
Me: Oh, Hi Kathleen. Did you receive my message?
K: Yes I did. So you can't come in at 3:30 because of your class. Can you come right now?
Me: Um...no. I just missed my bus because the bus driver didn't stop for me. Can I possibly come after 4:30 when I'm done with class? Or even tomorrow?
K: Well, our office closes at 5 and I don't really want to interview so late.
Me: Oh. Um. How about tomorrow? I'm free tomorrow.
K: Well, we don't know our schedule tomorrow. So you can't interview then. I would have to clear it with my boss for to come in. But I really wanted to get all the interviews done today and I didn't want to do it tomorrow.
Me: um. Well this makes it complicated---
K: Yeah I know.
Me: *breathes in and out* Ok....You know what. Why don't we just forget about this. Our schedules clearly do not work out, and I don't want to waste any more of your time.  Thank you for your consideration and I am really sorry about the complications. 
K: Ok, fine. Bye ::hangs up::
Me: ...WTH.  SCREW YOU  :/

Yeah I was in a terrible mood earlier. I think I scared/worried a random guy who was walking to his car. I was still pissed off about the bus and K didn't help my mood. Plus I have a tendency to look frustrated/about to cry when I get really angry. He actually walked over and asked if I was okay. >>;;

But really, that lady was so difficult. I understand that we are supposed to do things "on her schedule" because she is the employer, but you have to give me a bigger window to schdule besides 5 or so hours. *shakes fist*. It was my first time seeing someone only have one day for interviews. And on such short notice too. And what is up with her hanging up so suddenly without any tact? Isn't SHE supposed to be the official that is wise and polite? :/ Ugh why must my life have such crappy people in it?!

On another note, my EAG class is worthless. Everyone either is bored out of their mind in the class and doesn't say anything. Or are attempting to participate and say "like" after every other word.  I've counted. 16 likes in about 3 sentences. And that doesn't even include the first two sentences which had more.

the fail that is my life, life, why do i always seem to have bad luck?!, bitches, college

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