I Cant Stop Missing You, Wish I was there with you~

Aug 20, 2008 20:39

Oh Frick. LJ just ate my post. I took a while to build that one up to! *stabs LJ*

But anyways, my previous post was just about how I've been in the past week. I've become more aware of good!pop American music again (Leona Lewis, Kelly Clarkson, Ne-Yo, One Republic, Monrose, general rnb stuff) and crappy teen pop music (Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus...generally anything Disney related...). How I've discovered the amazing song that was stuck in my head all week (Trey Songz - Missing You). It was playing in the Gap and I thought it sounded familiar. It wasn't until I actually stopped working and listened to it that I remembered that Donghae danced to it on a Chinese show. Watch. The dance is amazing *oggles*, the chanting isn't. You can barely hear the song :< He dances to the song in another show, but this one is def. better and more polished. so if you do watch, turn down the volume...stupid girls.

My internship is going great. They are teaching me more things to do around the office and seem to like me. :D I had a fail moment the other day where I overslept and consequently was late to the internship by 2.5 hours. *dies* I don't know what happened....thankfully they were okay with me making up the time, but wow. That sucked.

Gap is going better, but again, I have some more to post about how much this place sucks. Are you guys getting sick of it? Or are you entertained by my horror stories? :x

Well, the good thing about the Gap is that I'm getting along better with the rest of my co-workers. I have more in common with them. We have the same hobbies, like the same kinds of music, and disagree with how the Gap is run. :D> I was hanging out with a gal named Kallie while waiting for the bus the other day and I found out that we have a lot in common (we share love in eating and being lazy, lol) She  is apparently having manager problems as well, they think she has an attitude problem. Which is odd because she's one of the friendliest most energetic ones out there. This is what happened according to her:
Kallie: Ma'am would you like to save $6 and open a Gap card today?
Lady: No. I'll pass. I don't want one
K: Okay that's fine. Slide your credit card when you're ready. Thank you and have a nice day :D
Manager: Kallie, you did not promote the Gap Card AT ALL. What was that?
K: I asked her if she wanted one and she didn't want one so I just finished the transaction. >>;;
M: Well, you didn't try hard enough to convince her to get one.
K: She was pretty firm about not wanting one. I don't want to force someone to get a card when they don't want to. I dislike doing that.
Manager: Are you happy working here?! Because your attitude isn't quite right. You're not trying hard enough.

WTF. And this has happened more than once too. That's worse than what I have to go through. Dude, with the way their conversation went, it looks like the managers are not letting us have an opinion.

Speaking of Managers, the managers keep on breaking the labor laws. If I work four hours, I receive a 15 minute break. I get a 15 and a half hour lunch if I work 6 and two 15's and an hour lunch if I work 8 hours. When I first started, they told me that I do not need to constantly watch the clock for my break, they will tell me because they have a break chart and I can just concentrate on helping the customers. Sounds easy right? Except they usually forget about me. Yesterday, they actually remembered, but totally screwed me over. 
Manager: Nancy go on your 15, Nicole is over there so she can cover the kids section. (Nicole is a stock girl and she was on the other side of the section....putting up displays) 
Me: Er..just a minute (turns away from customer) I'm with a customer now, and I think he wants me to finish his transaction. So I'll finish that and then go on break. 
Manager: Oh, okay (10 minutes pass) Hey Nancy, you missed your chance for your break. So you'll take it later
Me: What? But, can't you get one of the four people in the fitting room (one to fold the clothes, one to check on the people, one to find sizes and one to put away things wtf why so many?!) to cover me for 15? I've been working for three hours already
Manager: No can do. We're busy out here and I have things to do. So you'll take it later. Besides, Nicole will be back from her lunch in an hour or so. 
Me: .....*sigh*

The thing is, I swear, I saw my manager lounging around in the back every single time I went to the back to look for something, which was several times an hour. WTF. I'm pretty sure she had a full 8 hour shift but really. What is this.

On a funnier note, I got mistaken for a boy that same day. :D> It was hilarious. I was helping a woman find jeans for her son (who was in the fitting room trying shirts on) and this is what happened:
Lady: So I'm trying to find jeans for my son. He's 13
Me: Okay, how tall is he approximately? How wide?
Lady: My son is about your height and width
Me: Okay, so we can use my size to guestimate what jeans your son will fit. What does he like? Straight fit? Original? Loose..?
Lady: Nevermind that. What size boys jeans do you wear?
Me: Er...um. Ma'am I'm a girl >>;;
Lady: Oh. Um. Oops...
Son: Mom, you're dumb. (I'm not sure when he snuck out)

But yes, I am aware that there are many really pretty Asian males out there (more so than any other ethnicity really) but honestly, do I look like a boy? >_>;;

gap, yamapi, wtf?, work, i hate work, super junior, life, pretty boys

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