Expecto Patronum! :D

Jul 25, 2007 00:05

So...for the past three days I've been holed up at home reading the new Potter book, (yes I'm a dork) and I've just finished it today! *happy*

However, I seem to have received one of the fateful 'hundred' books with errors. While reading I found out that my book skipped from 610 to 643 and from 673 to 643 again. (Link to article here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19936826/) How weird is that?

Thankfully Sweethikari-chan had her copy and I was able to read it, I missed several important scenes too! I'm probably going to return it to get a fixed version...or if not, keep it. Those thingys might be worth something. XD

Also, I found my old Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone gameboy game and I've been trying to beat it. I never beat it before because I needed more healing items/experience points. And that Voldemort keeps on killing me. D: Well, in the new game I have enough items, enough experience and I'm ready to battle Voldemort right?

And then the game glitches! I was at the part where I was supposed to lead Ron and Hermione to get the sorcerer's stone (right after Neville was tied up) and it glitched! Actually, what happened was an odd effect after I went over to check on Neville and suddenly, Hermione blocked my left side, Ron my bottom-right and Neville my front (after being petrified, lol). So now I'm stuck and I'm unable to move because I can't kick Ron out of the way.

Stupid Harry Potter.

fandom, the fail that is my life, i am lame

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