Adding the beansprouts...check. =/

Jul 22, 2006 23:21

Gah, I don't think my boss particularly likes me. D: It doesn't matter, I'm scared of him too. But I do like to talk to his older sister and his wife.

In fact, he gave me a really scary stare and pointed at me when I messed up earlier. I actually had two mistakes. My first one was when a guy wanted $14 in cash, so I charged $14 more on his card, and gave it to him from the register... apparently my boss doesn't like that...
My second mistake is that the place has two entries under 'Beef Chow Fun'. One is with gravy while the other has beansprouts. Well, if I wanted the first, I would have to write 'Beef Chow Fun' on the to go pad and would've been ok. But a lady wanted the second (which also has a different name in Chinese) so I should've put a 'BS' in the order. Aaaannnnddd....I didn't know that, so he had to recook the order. And that's where he gave me the scary stare and point.

I actually had a prank caller today. Some nut called 4 or 5 times before I told him off. The first time his connection mysteriously disconnected, so I just thought it was a wrong number. The second time I heard him go 'how's it going?' before I heard a lady in the background scream 'GIVE ME THE PHONE!' before the line went dead. The third time I actually heard an order before he hung up. (he wanted Pork Fried rice and I thought he was making up his mind on something else) The forth time I finally got some of his order (Pork Fried Rice, egg rolls, and something unintelligible after four something times of patiently re-asking him). By the fifth time, he just stopped talking about food and moved on to random conversation starters; no matter how many times I had to ask him what he wanted to order. (he was asking how business was, if I get tips, and how I was)

Finally I just asked him if he was going to order anything because 'I was at work and didn't have time to ask Jeopardy questions (because he answered everything with a question).' Then he totally ignored me and asked when does the restaurant closes. I told him it closes at 11pm. He was quiet, so I asked him when he was going to pick up his order and he said that he might. I asked him what time would be the best to pick it up. His answer was that he wanted to pick it up at 11:03 pm, and that he most likely wouldn't make it.

So finally, I just told him that his order would not be filled (he asked why) because it is a order that would be stupid, pointless and time-wasting; just like our conversation and him. There is no point placing the order, making the cooks cook it, and getting me to pack it, when the person is never going to show up. The stupid comment was childish, I know, but that guy was getting me ticked off. He called again, and after I answered, I immediatly hung up. He called another time and I just gave the phone to my boss and he threatened to call the police; which ended the calls. :D

What I should have done was threaten to trace the calls. (even if the phone isn't able to, he doesn't know that) I can never think of these things until too late bah.

stupid people make me sad, i hate work, the fail that is my life, work

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